I am on my second cycle. 6' 213lbs. I am doing test at 500mg/week. The cycle started at 8 weeks and then I decided to go to 12 weeks because the test only kicked in at 5 weeks. Well now I am stuck since about week 10 at 213lbs. Trianing hard. Eating 600g of Carbs, 400g of Protein in 6 meals. Somedays I miss the last meal but I am preety consistent. My strength is still rising. I am getting leaner too. Its just that I am stuck at this weight.
My question is, I have 4 amps (325mg amps)of test left. It was originally purchased as 2 cycles. I was just thinking of extending it another 3 weeks.
Have my gains leveled off so I should just quit here or should I still go some more. I feel good. No sides.
Will I have to increase my PCT. 12.5mg of Aromasin 25days. 20mg of Novaldex 30 days. Clomid 30 days.
I am plainning of starting a 10 months HGH cycle after this. I will do 6 months of just HGH, then 4 months of test and HGH. PCT will be the same.
Thanks guys.