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Thread: Back to bulking after cutting

  1. #1

    Back to bulking after cutting

    Hi guys

    I've just been in a contest where i had to cut down really hard, which obviously caused me to lose a significant amount of muscle, though I carbloaded (gained about 10lbs) before the contest it seems that i lost about 2-6 lbs of muscle during my cutting routine (compared to how i looked prior to my cutting routine and how i look now fully carbloaded).

    I'm ready to start bulking now to put on mass for next years show, but i was wondering, should i wait a few weeks before i start juicing again?

    I mean, people say that "muscle memory" will give me a lot of my lost lbs back quickly in the next few weeks, and that I should consider waiting a few weeks for these lbs to return to my body before juicing?

    What do you guys think? Should i just start juicing today or wait a few weeks to let the body return to a state closer to prior cutting?

    Furthermore, let me know if you DON'T think muscle memory will have an effect for me?

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006
    Well, i need some back ground info first please.

    answer the questions below in my signature and we can help

    most importantly, previous cycles, when was the last one and what PCT was done

    I do believe in Muscle Memory and believe it does come back quickly

  3. #3
    I can't see your signature?

    But my stats are:

    Height: 195 cm (6 feet and about 4 inches)
    Weight: 92kgs (202,4 lbs) - note that this i FULLY carbloaded!
    BF: 4-6%

    Done a couple of bulking cycles where my highest weight was 235,4 lbs bf ~12-14%

    Last cycle was fully done 3 months ago (pct was ended by that time).

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Apr 2006
    ok, just wanting to understand everything here.

    how long ago did you lose the 6 lbs?

    Have you been working out since your contest?

    I would think that you could get back the 6 lbs naturally by working out and starting to change your diet for about a month or so to get ready to do your bulking cycle

    What are you planning on doing for your bulking cycle and PCT?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    ok, just wanting to understand everything here.

    how long ago did you lose the 6 lbs?

    Have you been working out since your contest?

    I would think that you could get back the 6 lbs naturally by working out and starting to change your diet for about a month or so to get ready to do your bulking cycle

    What are you planning on doing for your bulking cycle and PCT?

    It's hard to estimate WHEN i lost the 6lbs, i guess it was during my cutting period. Maybe i even lost a few more lbs than 6, it's hard to determine how much of my size prior to cutting was fat and how much was muscle since I've always been quite vascular.

    And i really haven't been working out that much since my contest, today is my first real workout session. The dieting and the cutting made it hard for me to complete a full workout session.

    I guess I should be very careful not to eat TO much right now so that the fat doesn't come rushing back to my body? (Keep in mind, that this was my first contest and the first time ever that my BF has been this low)

    I was planning to stay in about 100-300 kcals surplus every day, is that to much after a hard cutting run like the one i just had?

    Furthermore i was planning a test and tren cycle with some winny in the first few weeks. PCT plan would be like people in here recommend for tren users.

  6. #6
    Bump, anyone?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    well man wat i think is that..if u lose 6 lbs of muscle i jst think ur diet was a bit too long..i tried both..a short diet a long a short diet i look much fuller and even bigger (6-8weeks tops) but the longer i diet the more i loose muscle..i jst rest after that like for a week or soo and then start training again..and eat..ull gain them back naturally..but id rest my body b4 i juice up again..

    u dont have to jst eat fat containing food..little of fat is oki..cuz ur bulking but not too much..

    and if u can take in tht much cal per day y not go for it..

    and the cycle is oki..but y use winny? use deca or eq get some size id throw in some IGf-1 myself

  8. #8
    "u dont have to jst eat fat containing food..little of fat is oki..cuz ur bulking but not too much..

    and if u can take in tht much cal per day y not go for it.."

    I didn't understand a word of that, sorry bro.

    But i go for winny since it's DHT and will work very well combined with test and tren

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    sorry abt that man..i mean like dont junk food and good healthy fat is the ones in chicken meat rice and so on..cuz ur bulking tht much fat is oki..u gain too much fat..ull be having trouble dieting down..jst try to stay in shape as much as u can..thats wat i meant..

    and abt the cal intake..u said u wer planning to stay in about 100-300 kcals surplus every day, if u can take that much of calories then y not (of good food)..


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Glass Case of Emotion
    What you essentially have been doing is priming the body during your contest prep cutting diet. Tons of the pros jump on juice immediately after contest because the body is "primmed" for a tremendous amount of growth. Type "Prime" into the search function and you should find a huge post that markus made.

  11. #11
    thanks for your replys. I think i'll starting juicing within a week or two then.

    I'll reduce my cardio a bit and use the next few weeks to find the optimal calorie intake and then i'll bump it up a bit when i start juicing, this is going to be GREAT.

    Thanks a lot.

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