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Thread: Questions about first cycle...some are stupid...

  1. #1

    Questions about first cycle...some are stupid...

    Okay I have this as an example off of another site for a good first cycle...

    Week1: Monday 750mg Test Enanthate. Friday 250mg Test E

    Weeks 2-10 Monday 250mg Test E. Friday 250mg Test E.


    Weeks 1-10: 500iu Monday and Friday


    Weeks 1-12.5: 10mg ED or 20mg EOD

    Clomid PCT: Week 12.5(10 days after last shot of testosterone) day 1: 300mg, 50mg ED thereafter for 6 weeks

    Okay what is HCG???
    And how much is an iu?

    So Novaldex would be taken for 87.5 days (12.5weeks) according to this right and stopped before taking clomid. Now over the 87.5 days I would be taking 10mg a that's 875 mgs of novaldex? right? Or do you really need to take this much like this? Is that a lot? Like how many tablets or vials is that?

    I hate all these different measurements....Now I'm assuming that 250mg is 0.25ml? Which would mean as a total there would be 5.5ml of test enth needed. Or have I totally screwed up the conversion? I've googled mg to ml but it is surprisingly confusing...

    Is nolvadex and clomid injected or are both tablets?

    What size needles do I want?

    Sorry for the stupid questions, but I'd rather sound stupid here rather than when I ring up some guy tomorrow asking for this stuff. Also does anyone have any tips for when you talk to the 'guy' for the first time. I don't want to sound like a first timer and get ripped off. And I also don't want to sound suss and have the guy hang up on me...


    and stats and stuff:

    nearly 23yrs old
    80.5kg (177pounds I think)
    been lifting on and off for a while, 8 months properly
    put on around about 8 kg in the last 8 months, gains slowing down now.
    goal is 95kg, only wanting to do one or two cycles.
    low body fat, you can see abs so I'm guessing like 10-15% bf

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Uhh, depending on what your gear is dosed at (Test E is usually 250mg/ml) 250mg is 1ML, not .25ml.

    Don't frontload your first shot, run it simple and do 500mg for the 12 weeks.

    You don't need to run Nolva on the cycle unless you start feeling gyno symptoms.

    Nolva and Clomid are both in liquid or pill form.

    Needles you want are 23G 1.5 inch or 22G 1 inch for glutes.

    you won't need HCG, don't worry about it if you are going to do a 10 week cycle. Most people run HCG on a longer and more powerful cycle but you can if you want.

    Why would you run HCG if you don't know what it is? That's just stupid. GOOGLE OR SEARCH.

    And, at 6'2 177, you are skin and bone... you should be able to gain more with a proper diet and most people on here will ask you to see your diet...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    8 months is such a short time period. At 6'2" and only 177lbs you have so much more growing to do without the aid of steroids.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    wow, dude you really need to do alot of research. Check out the educational threads. Agood starting point for ya. good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    you're 23 and don't know things like a company can make a concoction any concentration they want???? THEY SAY ON THE BOTTLES 250mg/ml or 300mg/ml or whatever it may be

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by timguyperson View Post
    okay i have this as an example off of another site for a good first cycle...

    Week1: Monday 750mg test enanthate. Friday 250mg test e
    don't frontload. You don't need to on your first cycle. Just run 500mg each week for 10 - 12 weeks.

    weeks 2-10 monday 250mg test e. Friday 250mg test e.


    weeks 1-10: 500iu monday and friday


    weeks 1-12.5: 10mg ed or 20mg eod

    clomid pct: Week 12.5(10 days after last shot of testosterone) day 1: 300mg, 50mg ed thereafter for 6 weeks

    okay what is hcg??? ... Use the search button.
    and how much is an iu?

    So novaldex would be taken for 87.5 days (12.5weeks) according to this right and stopped before taking clomid. Now over the 87.5 days i would be taking 10mg a that's 875 mgs of novaldex? Right? Or do you really need to take this much like this? Is that a lot? Like how many tablets or vials is that?


    i hate all these different i'm assuming that 250mg is 0.25ml? Which would mean as a total there would be 5.5ml of test enth needed. Or have i totally screwed up the conversion? I've googled mg to ml but it is surprisingly confusing...

    250mg per ml.

    Lol. It should say right on the bottle. Not that complicated man..

    is nolvadex and clomid injected or are both tablets? tablets

    what size needles do i want? 23 gauge 1.0 inch

    sorry for the stupid questions, but i'd rather sound stupid here rather than when i ring up some guy tomorrow asking for this stuff. Also does anyone have any tips for when you talk to the 'guy' for the first time. I don't want to sound like a first timer and get ripped off. And i also don't want to sound suss and have the guy hang up on me...

    i'd post pictures of yourself, and also post your diet so we can critique it.


    And stats and stuff:

    Nearly 23yrs old
    80.5kg (177pounds i think)
    been lifting on and off for a while, 8 months properly
    put on around about 8 kg in the last 8 months, gains slowing down now. so you weighed 160.... 8 months ago?? And you managed to gain 17.5 pounds... That's pretty hard to believe. And almost impossible in that time-frame.
    goal is 95kg, only wanting to do one or two cycles.
    Low body fat, you can see abs so i'm guessing like 10-15% bf
    advice is in bold.

    post pictures / diet.
    Last edited by seriousmass; 03-15-2009 at 10:54 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by timguyperson View Post
    Okay I have this as an example off of another site for a good first cycle...

    Week1: Monday 750mg Test Enanthate. Friday 250mg Test E

    Weeks 2-10 Monday 250mg Test E. Friday 250mg Test E.


    Weeks 1-10: 500iu Monday and Friday


    Weeks 1-12.5: 10mg ED or 20mg EOD

    Clomid PCT: Week 12.5(10 days after last shot of testosterone) day 1: 300mg, 50mg ED thereafter for 6 weeks

    Okay what is HCG???
    And how much is an iu?

    So Novaldex would be taken for 87.5 days (12.5weeks) according to this right and stopped before taking clomid. Now over the 87.5 days I would be taking 10mg a that's 875 mgs of novaldex? right? Or do you really need to take this much like this? Is that a lot? Like how many tablets or vials is that?

    I hate all these different measurements....Now I'm assuming that 250mg is 0.25ml? Which would mean as a total there would be 5.5ml of test enth needed. Or have I totally screwed up the conversion? I've googled mg to ml but it is surprisingly confusing...

    Is nolvadex and clomid injected or are both tablets?

    What size needles do I want?

    Sorry for the stupid questions, but I'd rather sound stupid here rather than when I ring up some guy tomorrow asking for this stuff. Also does anyone have any tips for when you talk to the 'guy' for the first time. I don't want to sound like a first timer and get ripped off. And I also don't want to sound suss and have the guy hang up on me...


    and stats and stuff:

    nearly 23yrs old
    80.5kg (177pounds I think)
    been lifting on and off for a while, 8 months properly
    put on around about 8 kg in the last 8 months, gains slowing down now.
    goal is 95kg, only wanting to do one or two cycles.
    low body fat, you can see abs so I'm guessing like 10-15% bf
    do not do this a lot more research......

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    serious....u weren't supposed to actually give him advice silly.....EVERY question he asked can be found with just a little bit of research

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55 View Post
    serious....u weren't supposed to actually give him advice silly.....EVERY question he asked can be found with just a little bit of research
    hahaha... sorry.. it's only 8am here.. and I'm so bored.

  10. #10
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
    Join Date
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    Simple, at 6'2" and ONLY 177 lbs, DO NOT USE STEROIDS at all yet !!!

    Research DIET and bulking...FOOD IS YOUR BEST FRIEND learn to love it

    you need to get to 210 NATURALLY before ever using steroids!!!

    spend this time researching as where ever you got that cycle from is WHACK !!!

  11. #11
    Not just 8 months, I did weights beforehand. I gained 5kg on a 4 months workout stint years ago. At 18yrs old I was only about 65kg (143 pounds) then that 4 months brought me up to 70kg. Then I hovered on that for years just doing bicep curls once or twice a month haha Then for the past 8 or 9 months I've been doing 4 days a week. I do Bi's and back one day, chest and tris another day, shoulders another day, legs another day, and then on my days off I do abs. I'm an ectomorph kinda guy who has never ever ever had any fat. Like sure I must have some, but you can't see it, grab it...ever. So my motabolism is super fast. So it's pretty hard to gain.

    My diet is wierd... I'm kinda poor so I can't afford a lot of the fancy stuff that you guys are on... like meat haha (so lots of potatos and pasta and rice, without meat). But anyway my diet right now is morning shake and wheat grass and barley grass shot, lunch a meal (maybe 400-500 cal) and shake and grass shots, dinner another meal (maybe 400-500cal) and shake before bed and grass shots.

    Each shake is: 500ml of milk, 2 scoops protein/gainer powder, 1 cup of raw oats, 1 egg, 20 ml olive oil. = 950cal, 50 grams pro.

    So that's about 4000 cals a day and I'd get around 200 grams protein, and lots of carbs from oats and all that. The shakes are a new addition since I couldn't afford protein powder for a month or two and I lost 2.5kg. But since taking those shakes every day and the way my diet is now I've gained back that 2.5kg and another .5kg so I'm at 80.5kg So the diet now can't really be all that bad if I've just gained 3kg in the past month.

    But I know my diet is probably a bit stupid...but I can't really afford to do it right. Some times I've only got $20 to last me a week for food, so spending $6 on 6L of milk for shakes, $1.20 for 900 grams of oats, $3 for eggs, and some protein powder works out as pretty cheap meals. And then my other meals of potatoes $5 for a bag, or pasta bake ($8 a dish) works in pretty well. And it's not every week that I only have $20, but things usually come up like flat tyres...etc... or like this week I've gotta buy my ducks more food and pay some more bond....bahhh money goes quick.

    Oh and the way I'd have money for gear is because I get a stimulus check soon for $950.

  12. #12
    Bah sorry guys I didn't notice the research thread. I went through the newbie thread, but it was just a heap of rules and some steroid profiles...and I thought that was all there was for newbies doing research so I asked some questions. I'll give the research threads a look over.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    as you've noticed, this is an expensive sport.

    spend that stimulus money on food.

    and keep researching, bro

  14. #14

    That would be me in those pics. Chest looks like shit I know... But I've just started an awesome workout for chest like a month or so ago and it's started growing. Also these pics are a couple months old when I was around 78kg.

    And I'm no good with remembering stuff, it might have been 9 months properly that I've been working out for...maybe 10 which I got that 8 kg gain.

    Also off those pics what do you reckon my bf% is? Let me know if you need more pics to know?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Fort Bragg, NC
    Quote Originally Posted by timguyperson View Post
    Not just 8 months, I did weights beforehand. I gained 5kg on a 4 months workout stint years ago. At 18yrs old I was only about 65kg (143 pounds) then that 4 months brought me up to 70kg. Then I hovered on that for years just doing bicep curls once or twice a month haha Then for the past 8 or 9 months I've been doing 4 days a week. I do Bi's and back one day, chest and tris another day, shoulders another day, legs another day, and then on my days off I do abs. I'm an ectomorph kinda guy who has never ever ever had any fat. Like sure I must have some, but you can't see it, grab it...ever. So my motabolism is super fast. So it's pretty hard to gain.

    My diet is wierd... I'm kinda poor so I can't afford a lot of the fancy stuff that you guys are on... like meat haha (so lots of potatos and pasta and rice, without meat). But anyway my diet right now is morning shake and wheat grass and barley grass shot, lunch a meal (maybe 400-500 cal) and shake and grass shots, dinner another meal (maybe 400-500cal) and shake before bed and grass shots.

    Each shake is: 500ml of milk, 2 scoops protein/gainer powder, 1 cup of raw oats, 1 egg, 20 ml olive oil. = 950cal, 50 grams pro.

    So that's about 4000 cals a day and I'd get around 200 grams protein, and lots of carbs from oats and all that. The shakes are a new addition since I couldn't afford protein powder for a month or two and I lost 2.5kg. But since taking those shakes every day and the way my diet is now I've gained back that 2.5kg and another .5kg so I'm at 80.5kg So the diet now can't really be all that bad if I've just gained 3kg in the past month.

    But I know my diet is probably a bit stupid...but I can't really afford to do it right. Some times I've only got $20 to last me a week for food, so spending $6 on 6L of milk for shakes, $1.20 for 900 grams of oats, $3 for eggs, and some protein powder works out as pretty cheap meals. And then my other meals of potatoes $5 for a bag, or pasta bake ($8 a dish) works in pretty well. And it's not every week that I only have $20, but things usually come up like flat tyres...etc... or like this week I've gotta buy my ducks more food and pay some more bond....bahhh money goes quick.

    Oh and the way I'd have money for gear is because I get a stimulus check soon for $950.

    Hey brother, You can def find a better set of ingredients for your shakes, they prob taste like shit, but if they work, they work...

    I def don't think you're equiped to start a cycle, that shit costs ALOT of money in food if you're trying to get bigger. Also, I didn't hear you mention anything about having a PCT on hand, that's stuff's pretty expensive for guy on a budget. You need to focus on your diet for about a year and try and put on some more weight natty style, then look into a cycle.

    First thing's first, I'd eat them ducks you're talking about so you don't have to buy them food, plus get some good proteins in you...

  16. #16
    Eat my pet ducks!

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