not sure if its a repost, but not only does he not use clips when benching 315, he form is horrid.
not sure if its a repost, but not only does he not use clips when benching 315, he form is horrid.
gotta love the fat guy in the blue shirt that walks in front of camera at the end...LOLOL
I knew it was a train wreck as soon as I saw the painter pants he was wearing. I was waiting for the spotter to yell "its all you!" as the bar was coming down. The best part was how he just laid on the bench afterwards too embarrassed to show his face for the camera.
315 is gonna be cake for me tomorro now that i know how to do it the right way
have the vid ready & make sure the fat guy is there
Not even close, I bet he can't even push 275.
WoW.It's probably better that the weight fell off, otherwise he would have done some damage to himself.
Ego-press FAIL.
He'll probably still be telling people later that he benches 300 and almost got 315 up today...
There was a guy who actually did the same thing in my gym a few months back. Damn it's funny to see the guy's who think they're stronger than they are. He's lucky he didn't hurt himself or anyone else.
The spotter could have got it for sure. He would just ahve to put on his head band and get after it.
commercial gyms are filled with idiots like this. see this type of shit all the time in them. thats why you go underground and make your own gym!!! haha
404 not found
Darn not working for me..
What an idiot, first rule I ever learned when working out is to always, always, use collars on the bars no matter the weight. Maybe next time he will learn.
i thoroughly (sp?) enjoyed this
That happened to me once but I had two fives on the bar... man that is big weight...
IDK about you guys but that form was just fine..... had a little accident toward the end but other than that its G2G
Here is a new link of it so people an see it, man thats funny he looks like William Hung from American Idol, lol. Did that guy at the end work there and say now one more time and we are going to have to kick you out we cant have stupid people here, while the fat guy walks by saying man I wish I could lift the bar.
LOL thanks sloth.
yea it didnt work for me when i first tried to click it, just had to click it a couple times and it eventually worked.if he lifts is back and chest up any farther he wont even have to push the weight off his chest to put it back on the rack.
That was pretty funny. I have never seen 45's slide off like that before though.
I have had a similar thing happen to me tough. When I was in college I was doing some skull crushers and the plates just few right off the bar. I don't know how I didn't bust my head open. Funny thing was that I had collars on the bar. It was one of those cheap-o curling bars though that seemed to have been milled with a smaller diamater then normal bars.
Looked like a clean lift to me.
If I'm benching with out a spotter, I don't use the collars.
If for some reason the weight won't go up, I can just do what superman in this video does.
I've never had to do it though, and I've never had weight fall off.
the spotter is the real idiot here though.
the spotter here could have easily saved it.....he's obviously a moron.....i rarely use clips until this weight on anything....and i never die. WOW the whole ass way up in the air thing......yea cuz that's legal in a comp.....if you can't bench....don't bench.
Yeah, perfect form and lift...
isn't that a modified drop set?
nice job on the spot there buddy...
what a pair of douche bags
i had to watch it again...too funny..I love when he stretches just before he jumos under the bar...classic stuff.
yeah, the cargo's and long sleeve shirt tipped me off to something really funny is about to happen!
kid= -5
he doesnt look like he can do 225
He wasn't even close.
wish i could do that.
I actually had this happen to me back in High School. Mainy years ago..
I'm gonna try that with 600. If only i had known before now.
Just used this technique to put up 400. I feel pumped!!!
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