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Thread: Need Help On a Bulking cycle and getting rid of ED

  1. #1

    Exclamation Need Help On a Bulking cycle and getting rid of ED

    Im 22 and 165 lbs about 5-7% body fat i just got off a cycle about 5 weeks ago of Test enanthate 1cc eod and Tren 1 cc eod. I was only on the cycle for 5 weeks because of a vacation. I have had an ED problem ever since I stopped. I want to start another cycle for bulking but stay lean, and get rid of this ED problem so I plan on taking...

    Test Enanthate 500mgs / week Week 1-12
    Deca 400mgs / week Week 1-11
    Dianabol 25mgs / Day Week 1-5
    Proviron 100mgs / Day Week 1-14
    Arimidex .5mgs / Day Week 1-12
    Clomi But i dont know the dosage Week 14 - 16

    Any Advice Will Be Greatly Appriciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    you plan to fix ed by doing another cycle?

    do a proper pct and you should be fine, personally ive never had such problems though

  3. #3


    Well I want to start another cycle for bulking and I heard that proviron will raise libido. I never knew about pct until I read some of the forums on this site all of my buddys who lift never said anything to me about it. What is a good pct and is it illegal to puchase?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Melanotan raises me ive been on it for 3 days and ive been a freak with woodys on and off

    I seriously feel like im16 again lol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    jeesh...not sure where to start?!?!

    ok..first off, TIME ON+PCT = TIME OFF.

    Don't see any mention of your PCT protocol w/ your 5 week Test E "cycle".

    All you accomplished was probably shutting yourself down...hence the ED

    you should run a 30 day PCT and see if you can jump start your HPTA, restoring your natural levels and fixing your ED. In the meantime there are some all natural test boosters you can try, or lean on an ED medicine, such as Viagra/Cialis.

    Last thing you want to do is jump back on another cycle. Idealy you should get blood work done (I doubt you'll do it though). So run a good PCT...give your body some time to re-coop. And when you start another cycle (not advocating'll do what you want though), make sure you can give it the proper time (5 weeks is garbage...except for shutting you down, which you accomplished) and make sure you have your PCT lined up, so you can recover and not be a wet noodle slinger.

    (forgot to mention....NO NEED to run all those compounds in your proposed next cycle!!!!) Seriously bro...youre gonna fukk yourself up
    Last edited by SampsonandDelilah; 04-10-2009 at 12:21 PM.

  6. #6


    What is a good pct? And how do you take it properly?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    La Cocina
    Hit the PCT section bro...and read read read.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    read up dude, you are insane to start a cycle without knowledge.

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