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Thread: About To Do my 1st Cycle couple qs

  1. #1

    About To Do my 1st Cycle couple qs

    i have chicken legs, my whole purpose it to build up my legs, i just recovered from a knee injury so i have some catch up to do.

    being this is my first cylcle (and probably last)
    im going to keep it nice and simple

    Test enth for weeks 1-10
    dbol for weeks 1-4
    and then pct 15 days after my last injection for test enth.

    My question was my goal is to gain atleast 15-20 ibs is this possible with such as simple cycle?


    i want to avoid all side effects, esp. gyno (just had surgery for it) whats the best pct to avoid side effects and just the best pct in general

    should i be taking anything as im doing the cycle to avoid side effects?

    How often and what should i do to build up legs ?

    I have answers from my supplier but im just double checking on here

    thanks guys
    Last edited by Dupree1979; 05-12-2009 at 01:11 AM.

  2. #2
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    start with your stats

    body fat
    lifting experience

  3. #3
    180 ibs
    been lifting for about 5-6 years
    10 percent body fat

  4. #4
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    ok.. well now im gonna tell you everything you dont want to hear.. but hopefully you will listen.. cause most likely everyone else is gonna come on here and say the same thing im telling you..

    too young for a cycle
    way to light for a cycle..
    you had gyno naturally for some reason without it being caused by a cycle?
    your diet must be seriously out of whack..

    forget the cycle all together.. u got alot of potential in weight gain naturally

    go to the diet section and post up asking for a diet plan.. alot of good advice in there.

    i am just stating the facts not trying to be ignorant to u about it

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dupree1979 View Post
    180 ibs
    been lifting for about 5-6 years
    10 percent body fat
    IMO! Still young and underweight for your height. diet and training is what you need. your legs will not grow without a good base!

  6. #6
    yes i am young 21 but my guy knows his shit and im doing this because i play pro and it is legal to use in my sport. my legs have always been small wont get bigger. Ive been at a stable weight for 2 years. yes had gyno naturally, due to genitics.

    remeber time is not on my side, average age for my proff is 24, thats the prime.

    my diet is not out of whack, im just a naturally long and skinny kid. i eat a lot and my diet is ready for the cycle, all steaks and chicken, alot of protien and some carbs

    ive trained hard for 5 years im not at the level where i am now for lack or training or diet, why am i too young ?

    was told to m e im a perfect canidate for im coming off of surgery and it will aid my recovery
    Last edited by Dupree1979; 05-12-2009 at 01:34 AM.

  7. #7
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    well if your guy knew his stuff he wouldn't be steering you into taking aas.. its all in the diet.. like i said everyone is gonna tell you what your not wanting to here.. listen to the advice and start on a diet plan its easy to gain 15-20 pounds naturally seeing that u are underweight as it is....

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by busaboy27 View Post
    well if your guy knew his stuff he wouldn't be steering you into taking aas.. its all in the diet.. like i said everyone is gonna tell you what your not wanting to here.. listen to the advice and start on a diet plan its easy to gain 15-20 pounds naturally seeing that u are underweight as it is....

  9. #9
    Why would you say i am too young, please explain. depeding on you logic i will take your response with consideration

    my guy knows his shit, phd with 45 years of experience and i can get my stuff legal due beautiful country laws over here in Europe

  10. #10
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    your body is still growing naturally... u can do permanent damage to yourself.... possibility... fuse growth plates.. stop your natural growing ability short.. all in all age is not the only thing u got against u its the diet.. u can get the weight you want over the summer.. by eating and training right

  11. #11
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    At 21 your growth plates are still not fused. Steroid use can prematurely fuse them stopping future growth

    At 21, your NATURAL hormone levels are still at their peak. Taking steroids WILL shut down your natural production of Test and you risk it NOT returning to the previous high levels, or worse, NOT returning at all

    Steroids will NOT make your legs grow. The proper Leg routine WILL do that. If you are NOT puking during or after your leg workouts, then THAT is your problem, you are NOT working them properly.

    At 6'2, your NATURAL potential is at least 220-230 lbs. If you can't diet and train to HOLD ON TO that naturally, the chances of you holding on to any gains you make from steroids will be slim to none

    IF "your guy" knew anything, he would get your diet in check FIRST. I will bet my life on the fact that your diet is NOT as good as you think for GROWTH anyway. It may be ok to keep you at 180, but steroids are NOT magic, they don't make muscle out of NOTHING...


    post up your typical days food intake and times you eat and let us take a look

    also post up your typical leg workout and lets see if we might be able to help you there

  12. #12
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    I would listen to the guys here, i find myself saying this to so many on here! These guys have years and many many cycles worth of experiance! There advice is all for your benefit, not to put u down! I take it your supplier is telling you all the stuff u wanna hear? A true salesman and thats it!

  13. #13
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    What is a guy with 45 years experience in the medical field and a PhD. doing pimping drugs to a 21 year old? Seems like his expertise would be more useful elswhere...

    What sport do you play?

  14. #14
    the sport i play doesnt matter, all i need to get to is 195 and maintain that.


    wake up - 5 eggs bread oj
    before workout meal - protien shake pbj banna
    after workout meal- steak, protien shake mixed salad veggies
    snack- tuna sandy oj
    dinner- steak or dinner veggies, protien shake

    So your saying if i take riods now i shut my Test off, what are the chances of this, pepople im not taking steroids for the hell of it, im gonna do it to play pro quicker and to help an injury heal, i just want the truth pple, i know that anyone risk shutting thier hormones off permant, after a cycle, what makes a 29 year old diff then me ?

  15. #15
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    Well, you should do more research. You havent reached your full natural potential at 21 as stated by a few other members. This is the main key. You can grow without aas at your age and height. If diet is in order (You can post in diet section for critique) and you train right you wont need aas.
    Ultimately its your decision.

  16. #16
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    In humans your Endocrine system is not fully functional until an average age of 25yrs, although the main development is up to around 21yrs it still fluctuates a little bit up to its fully functional age. There is a risk of permanently damaging your HPTA if you take AAS to young and you could end up with symptoms of andropause and HRT for life. Symptoms could be Limp dick, low libido, depression, low energy, low endurance, erection problems and many more but.......are these the types of symptoms you want to have in your 20's?. Believe me its hard to cope with these in your 40's yet alone in your prime of your life.

    Around this age your Testosterone levels are the highest they going to be in your life naturally, so use what you have and don't take the risk of damage, I am passionate about this because ive seen it many times with young kids wanting to looking like their heroes and they think the answer is in an injection/tablet.

    Taking AAS to young can also cause problems with development, one other main problem is premature sealing of your epiphyeal bone and the consequences mean that you wont grow as big as your genetics could allow you to, there is a test which can be done to see if your growth plates have sealed yet but the average age is around 21yrs old.

    You need a few years of hard training under your belt before even considering taking any kind of anabolic support, people who jump on a cycle to soon without having some quality years under their belt usually results in injuries, it takes time to develop your connective tissue, tendons and nervous system to heavy overload training. Slowly getting your own system use to these kinds of extreme's will only help in muscle growth later on when you do decide to start taking AAS.

    Build a solid foundation for muscle tissue to grow and maintaining and development will be far greater than without it. Many younger guys will start cycling before they have reached their genetic potential which is crazy when a good solid diet and training program will be far beneficial and productive to muscle building.

    Workouts should be mainly focused on basic movements with a priority of over loading the muscle each and ever time you train, increasing your strength and ability to lift in proper form will help with building the foundation for future development

    A lot of younger bodybuilders don't know how to eat. Researching and understanding how your own body responds will help you get to your natural limit, the right food at the right time and a full understanding of proteins,carbs, and fats will only help you succeed in achieving your natural goals. Keeping a diet diary will also help you understand the importance of macro, nutrients, calories and should help you see in which areas you could be going wrong in adding lean muscle tissue.

    No matter how much anabolic support you have it will be worthless without proper nutrition, food will help build and maintain your valued muscle weather its natural, cycling or in PCT. Adjusting your food intake and consuming muscle building foods coupled with a solid training program will help you achieve your natural limit and foundation before you start AAS use.

    This area is a huge problem with the younger guys and I can't express enough how important diet/food is when first starting out, post and pre training nutrition are very important and understanding how to load and feed the body will help push growth and create a very natural anabolic environment.

  17. #17
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    Your diet is not that great. What sport do you play slim? Why is it a secret?

  18. #18
    thanks guys i really do like your input, the fact is i have my uncles genes, tall and skinny, he is 6'2 170 ibs.

    I its all about the pct isnt it ?. I did my research a lot of pple say 21 is early but ok.

    MY LEGS WONT GROW here is a workout i do

    Jump Squats
    Back Squats
    Calf Raises
    Box steps

    i switch the exercises up all the time, now do u guys know why i want some gear?

    I havent grown in the last 2 years.
    Last edited by Dupree1979; 05-12-2009 at 11:32 AM.

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Your not listening at all, do you want to run the risk of causing some serious damage to your HPTA and maybe being on HRT for life?

  20. #20
    obviously no, who whould? but is it like a 50/50 and doesnt a good pct prevent it, thats my Q?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dupree1979 View Post
    obviously no, who whould? but is it like a 50/50 and doesnt a good pct prevent it, thats my Q?
    No, its not 50/50 were did you get that from!!
    No, a good PCT wont prevent it, if it did we wouldnt be advicing you not to use drugs at this time.

    Fact is, there is a risk you can cause serious damage to your HPTA, why shut something down what produces your hormones what hasnt fully developed? no matter what you do there is a risk, i am not saying it will happen to you, but there is a risk! i know plenty of young guys in there 20's on HRT and with some horrible sides, the risk is alot less when you have fully developed so are you will to take the risk??

  22. #22
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    I think You should Really Re-Read that post by Marcus. Your life but you need to get more informed.

    Everyone should read that.

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    I just want to know what sport the difference between 6'3 195 and 6'3 180 is important to excelling at.

    Just curious....

  24. #24
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    IF you don't listen to anyone else, LISTEN to MARCUS300, he knows more about this than almost ANYONE on this board!!!!!

    If we didn't care about you doing this correctly, we would just say SURE, go do it....but we do care !! So listen.

    A sign of maturity is being able to listen and follow the advice even when its NOT what you want to hear, but knowing it is the right and best thing for YOU !!

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    X2 T-Mos!

  26. #26


    Primobolan, my man recommended it to me, i told him MARCUS concern and he agreed but said if i do it at the right dosage i should be good, along with a good pct.

    Primobolan he told me will not shutdown my hormones and is the safest, is this true ? can i take this steroid then ?

    whats a good cycle with primo ?

  27. #27
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    Oh Dear LORD, you give them ears, but they do not listen.................

    Good luck, I am out of here

  28. #28
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    look up primo in the steroid profile area, it will explain all about it in there! Also just have a look around the forum before asking questions as many have already been answered!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dupree1979 View Post
    Primobolan, my man recommended it to me, i told him MARCUS concern and he agreed but said if i do it at the right dosage i should be good, along with a good pct.

    Primobolan he told me will not shutdown my hormones and is the safest, is this true ? can i take this steroid then ?

    whats a good cycle with primo ?

    i dont think you got any line left on your fishing pole... plain and simple do not cycle.. u keep coming back with another steroid and we say no.. and the little kazooo guy on your shoulder u know the green martian from the flinstones. keeps giving u the wrng info.

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