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Thread: want some expert advice!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Exclamation This is only the beginning!!! (volume 1)

    Im planning on doing this cycle this march right after wrestling season is over. I am 6' 220lbs and i am looking to tear shit up at hvywt next year. Wrestling at 197 in college sucks cuz i have to cut to much weight but im too small for hvywt, plus i just wanna get huge. This sept i did my first cycle and was happy with the results, even though i didn't think i used it to its full potential, but still i went from wrestling 174lbs last year and getting my ass kicked to 220lbs this fall and then finally cutting to a ripped 197(I weighed about 185 when i started in sept). I was hoping some of you experts out there that know your stuff to a T could help me out here. Here is all the materials i got yesterday and i wanted your advice on how to get the best results from these. I plan on keeping much better track of my Progress and keepin you guys informed on a weekly basis or everyother week with detailed information. As soon as my finals are over ill start giving some exact measurements and keep track of my natural progress and share some of the results from my first cycle till march creeps up then sht is gonna hit the fan

    30- 25mg anadrol50 tabs
    1 (10cc) bottle of quality vet Deca
    15 amps of sus250
    10 amps of Primo
    250- 5mg Dbol tabs

    Any help i would greatly appreciate it, maybye you will read about me in a college wrestling mag and say i helped build him

    Heres what i had in mind to cycle all this:

    wk 1: 25mg/ED Anadrol50
    wk 2: 50mg/ED Anadrol50, 250mg Sus-250
    wk 3: 25mg/ED Anadrol50, 250mg Sus-250
    wk 4: 500mg Sus-250, 300mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 5: 500mg Sus-250, 300mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 6: 25mg/ED Dbol, 750mg Sus-250, 300mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 7: 30mg/ED Dbol, 500mg Sus-250, 450mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 8: 35mg/ED Dbol, 500mg Sus-250, 450mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 9: 35mg/ED Dbol, 250mg Sus-250, 450mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 10: 30mg/ED Dbol, 250mg Sus-250, 300mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 11: 25mg/ED Dbol, 300mg Deca, 1cc primo
    wk 12: 25mg/ED Dbol, 300mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 13: 20mg/ED Dbol, 300mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    wk 14: 300mg Deca, 1cc Primo
    Also where would be good to throw in some Nolvadex & how much should be used, same with the clomid

    ill send some before and after pics from this summer when i was a rail and then this fall when i put on some size
    Last edited by juicetin; 12-11-2002 at 11:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Pittsburgh, PA

    some pics

    I couldn't find a picture from this summer ill have to look around, but this one is from october '02 i was weighing around 185lbs around august and the beginning of sept this year. here is what my first cycle was:

    wk 1-2: 20mg/ED dbol, 150 mg deca
    wk 3-4: 25mg/ED dbol, 300mg deca, 250mg omnadren
    wk 5-6: 30mg/ED dbol, 450mg deca, 500mg omnadren
    wk 7-8: 20mg/ED dbol, 300mg deca, 250mg omnadren
    wk 9-10: 15mg/ED dbol, 150mg deca, 250mg omnadren

    i got considerably bigger off of this but i wish i would have worked alot harder, at the time i had a job working 12 hour shifts at night, and then trying to go to class in the morning right after work then go to practice and then lift, it just wasnt working out i wasnt really getting enough sleep and i wasn't working to my full potential, so finall i quit my job around mid october and started concentrating on school and wrestling and lifting. it was hard to really bulk up too much because of the intense workouts we where doing for wrestling. Preseason we were running 5 miles EOD (at the least) and lifting 4 days a week in b/t runs.
    You gotta remember that i was a skinny 6' 174lber last year and then started blowing up from 185-190lbs this summer to 220lbs by november. I had to make 197 which wasnt to bad as making 174 last year, bc i had about 10% which i was able to loose rather quickly once wrestling kicked into full gear. so now i am weighing in at around 205 when i dont have to make weight and have 7.5% BF now. i still need to take measurements i think before i started this first cycle my arms where like 15 3/4" and now they are 17" thats about all i kept track of really. well i gotta go take my last final i get back to you guys later. this next cycle though im gonna keep detailed track of everything from what i eat to my workouts and progress!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Pittsburgh, PA
    i cant get the pics on here yet, its says the file is too large....

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