hey man... maybe you can give me some solid advice on this.
I've been running this stack for a little over a week now and am doing so for contest prep. The show is june 27 and I planned on running the cycle up to the day of the show and start pct maybe 3-4 days before end of cycle to overlap some. I have nolva, rebound XT, and dhea for pct. My cycle looks like this:
m-drol (methasteron)- 20/20/20
tren-v 700 (19 norandrosta)- 105/105/105
pct: nolva- 20/20/10
rebound xt- 75/50/25
dhea- 50/50/50
now I dont know for "sure" if this could cause me to hold unwanted water for the contest but both compounds are supposed to be dry gainers and yes, I have ran them both before... just not for contest prep.
I had a show 2 weeks ago and it was a natty show so I wasnt on anything and I ended up around 6% bf. I'd like to be around at least 5% this time (2 weeks from now) and I know this stack will help me with workout intensity needed for final seperation in the muscles.
I'll be cutting my water starting 3 days out and cutting it completely one day out. I'll be taking a diuretic starting 5 days out as well. I just dont want to hold on to any water and if that is probable with this cycle, I'll need to get off of it a week out or so. Any info would be greatly appreciated!