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Thread: m-drol/extreme tren contest prep??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    m-drol/extreme tren contest prep??

    hey man... maybe you can give me some solid advice on this.
    I've been running this stack for a little over a week now and am doing so for contest prep. The show is june 27 and I planned on running the cycle up to the day of the show and start pct maybe 3-4 days before end of cycle to overlap some. I have nolva, rebound XT, and dhea for pct. My cycle looks like this:
    m-drol (methasteron)- 20/20/20
    tren-v 700 (19 norandrosta)- 105/105/105

    pct: nolva- 20/20/10
    rebound xt- 75/50/25
    dhea- 50/50/50

    now I dont know for "sure" if this could cause me to hold unwanted water for the contest but both compounds are supposed to be dry gainers and yes, I have ran them both before... just not for contest prep.
    I had a show 2 weeks ago and it was a natty show so I wasnt on anything and I ended up around 6% bf. I'd like to be around at least 5% this time (2 weeks from now) and I know this stack will help me with workout intensity needed for final seperation in the muscles.
    I'll be cutting my water starting 3 days out and cutting it completely one day out. I'll be taking a diuretic starting 5 days out as well. I just dont want to hold on to any water and if that is probable with this cycle, I'll need to get off of it a week out or so. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    1.) Reduce all sodium intake from diet.

    2.) Have you ever heard of salt-manipulation prior to competition? It can get your quite shredded **temporarily**

    3.) Are you carb cycling for the competition yet?

    4.) What are your current stats? (including BF%)

  3. #3
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    May 2008
    I'd say about 7-7.5% at the moment and my carb schedule will look like this...
    carb deplete sat. - tues.
    carb up wed. - Sat. (day of show)
    meal 1- 2 oz chicken 5 oz white rice
    meal 2- 2 oz flank steak 6 oz white potato

    meals 3-7 same as those just keep rotating

    salt will also be cut out wed.

    water intake: now til wed- 1.5-2 gal.
    thurs- 1.5 gal
    Fri- 1 gal befor 12:00
    after that just sip as needed to get food down

    Sat. morning: 6:00 am- 2 oz chicken 4 oz white rice
    8:00 am- 2 oz flank steak 4 oz white potato
    then rice cakes as needed for rest of the day (day of show) and maybe some peanut butter crackers if I need some salt... I was a little flat last show cause of no salt

    so...what about the cycle?? any input on that... everything look good?

  4. #4
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    1.) Reduce all sodium intake from diet.
    2.) Have you ever heard of salt-manipulation prior to competition? It can get your quite shredded **temporarily**

    3.) Are you carb cycling for the competition yet?

    4.) What are your current stats? (including BF%)
    May I ask why you are advising him to do this for a show 2 weeks from now?

  5. #5
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    also...forgot to add... chicken and steak will be bolied in distilled water along with the rice and potatoes

  6. #6
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    also forgot to add... this week my diet guy will probably take all my carbs out so my meals will look like this:

    meal 1- 2.2 oz whey protein with .5 oz ***** muscle (protein factory stuff)
    meal 2- 4 oz 96% lean gr beef with brocoli
    meal 3- 6 oz chicken breast with brocoli
    meal 4- 6.5 oz tilapia with brocoli
    post workout- 2.2 oz whey protein and 1.8 oz rilose (from protein factory)
    meal 6- 6 oz flank steak with brocoli
    meal 7- 2.2 oz whey protein with .5 oz ***** muscle

    the post workout rilose (carb source) will be cut out this comming up weekend im sure for the final depletion leading up to wed. when I carb up

  7. #7
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    A pic would go along ways towards getting you some quality advice.

  8. #8
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    i dont have any

  9. #9
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    i just know that with a really expensive bf caliper, my bf is right around 7% at the moment
    im 5'10"
    172lbs right now but was down to 164 the day of my last show a little over a week ago and would like to compete in 2 weeks at around 165/166 and be a little leaner

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    m-drol and epistane would be better in my opinion. Correct me if im wrong though. isnt xtreme tren slightly wet?

  11. #11
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2000Vette View Post
    m-drol and epistane would be better in my opinion. Correct me if im wrong though. isnt xtreme tren slightly wet?
    Being his show was june 27th the advice (right or wrong is a tad late).

    PS to the OP, How did you do?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    somewhere near you
    Quote Originally Posted by fireguy1 View Post
    being his show was june 27th the advice (right or wrong is a tad late).

    Ps to the op, how did you do?
    i will like to know too

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