okay so i posted my 1st cycle a few days ago , i was going to get it through a friend of a friend of a friend , so it was going to be sketchy , i didnt know if what i was going to get would be real.
but luckily out of nowhere i have found someone who can get me alot of stuff.
so here is my new cycle , i am frickn excited!
TEST PROP (EOD) for 12 weeks (100mg)
TREN ACETATE every day for 10 weeks (100mg)
PRIMOBOLAN once a week (600mg)
so what i want to know is this,
i have no history of male pattern baldness on my mums side
no history of achne on either sides of my family
most males in my family have gyno, not severe only very small amount.
Im going to run nolvadex and letrozol
one thing im really confused about when it comes to pct is either to run some things with my cycle or wait till iv done my coarse to start a pct.
some people say to run hcg whilst on a cycle , others say dont until you finish , and the same with nolva and clomid.
from what iv read ,the combination of these three is going to make me look realy hard and defined , i also hear that it has little side effect issues and if i receive issues that are severe , i can stop the short esthers and just run the Primobolan on its own.
what im worried about is my testosterone levels , would i treat this cycle the same as a cycle that included more effective bulking agents like DROL and DECA?
what im worried about is the suppression of my natural levels from tren, i also hear complaints of people having ED problems after there cycle.
i havn't started yet, wont until i know down to the finest detail how im going to run this and come off it, i want no room for error.
also would a dht supressant like dutast also supress strength and muscle gains?