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Thread: HELP!! - hair loss?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Exclamation HELP!! - hair loss?

    25 year old, 5'11, 225lbs

    this is like my 4th cycle.. done tren + prop everytime time.. only sides i've ever had were night sweats (not heavy), tren dreams(a couple per cycle), elevated blood pressure. but nothing bad.

    I did my last cycle (the one before the one im on now) about 6 months ago, it was 6 weeks long.. no sides besides the ones mentioned above.

    im doing 80mg tren + 100mg prop ed.. plan was to go 6 weeks... im 5 days in, night sweats have started to set in.

    okay, so i just got back from the pool, and showered... when i shampooed.. hair started to come out... not clumps but several dozen strands... i've never had hair come out like this before.. so i'm a little concerned..

    I showered this morning too, but no hair was coming out..(that i noticed)

    Should i be concerned with hair loss from the gear? Or was this maybe from the chlorine from the pool?

    What precautions should i be taking?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Have you read the other thousands of post on hair loss yet?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    yea.. i've ordered a DHT blocker..

    im going to monitor the situation too... no hairloss this morning.. so im guessing it was the chlorine

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