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Thread: Shooting frequently makes me too sore to train legs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Shooting frequently makes me too sore to train legs

    Many here people talk about shooting Every Other Day, but I think that would be a major problem for me because my ass is sore after an injection.

    Sometimes I get lucky and I don't even notice the injection the next day, but other times I'm too sore to train legs.

    Do you become more resistant to injecting if you do it regularly? At the moment I only inject into my glutes, I alternate between left and right glute every time.

    I'd be all for injecting Sustanon every other day but I don't think I'd be able to work out because of the soreness.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    sydney, australia
    you should be using other sites for injections as scar tisse can build up and that will hurt pushing through it.

    have you tried massaging the spot after injection

    slower injection.

    inject in areas where you know you won't need to train the next day.

    or harder up(sorry had to add it in)

    let me know how hings go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    I personally shoot what i am working out that day... and never do gluetes because its to hard to work that out and they always hurt..

    and like said above massage the spot... try more injection spots

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Land ofthe Free(formerly)
    Quote Originally Posted by Almond View Post
    Many here people talk about shooting Every Other Day, but I think that would be a major problem for me because my ass is sore after an injection.

    Sometimes I get lucky and I don't even notice the injection the next day, but other times I'm too sore to train legs.

    Do you become more resistant to injecting if you do it regularly? At the moment I only inject into my glutes, I alternate between left and right glute every time.

    I'd be all for injecting Sustanon every other day but I don't think I'd be able to work out because of the soreness.
    Learn how to hit your delts, its very easy, you are going to wear your ass out and end up getting an abcess or something. When I first started years ago all I would do was my ass until I manned up and hit those delts-couldn't have been any easier-that way you will have four injection sites to rotate from-plenty of time to heal.

  5. #5
    Yea man just try other spots. I did Delts for the first time yesterday and its a breeze, especially for pinning a virgin muscle, its not that sore... especially for 2cc lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Don't forget pec injections as well and heat up the syringe with a hair dryer before injecting to make the oil thinner. A 1 inch-23 gauge needle will help reduce scar tissue.

  7. #7
    I just start my first cycle this week, I inyected 1cc of test E on monday and thursday in my delts and it was more easy than I thought it would be. No pain in any moment.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    All depends on what your using. I would assume prop if your shooting ed or eod. Have you ever tried test e or test c? Thats only every 3.5 days. And you should try some other injection sites. Delts are the easiest. Is this your first cycle?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    About using diff injection sites.

    IMO glutes are the most difficult place to use ...can't see back there, which makes it very difficult to aspirate. Also, reaching around while standing in front of a mirror is just plain awkward.

    I prefer "front-side" sites. Quads seem to absorb hormone the best. I can feel tren kicking in immediately when I shoot quads. It's easy, I can see what I'm doing, and I can use both hands. Pecs are ok, and delts are easy if you don't mind working one handed.

    There is a spot, it's called the "trochanter". (Find the knob on the top of your upper leg bone (femur), right where it joins at your hip). There is a slightly meaty part just above it. It's the closest I ever get to a glute. I sit cross-legged on the floor, it kinda bulges out a bit ...and I pin it. Again, I like it because I can see what I'm doing, and I can use both hands.

    About soreness:

    One shot introducing "a lot of fluid" into a muscle will generally create more discomfort. If you divide your dose into two smaller shots and always alternate sites it may help. Even when I do experience soreness in the muscle, it usually doesn't get sore for me till the second day. So if I shoot it, I train it the same day.

    Another suggestion might be to mix something with yourt Sust to "smooth it out". EQ usually workd well for me.

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