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Thread: Testing to see if picture will go through

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Testing to see if picture will go through

    Here's a photo of some pills
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	pill shot.jpg 
Views:	245 
Size:	5.8 KB 
ID:	15051  

  2. #2
    very small photo

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Originally posted by KeyMastur
    very small photo
    I know how to make the pictures bigger, i just cannot get my picture of "yellow androl" to come in; it is either to bright and blurry, or way to dark. I have adjusted all settings but the "yellow and white" pills don't seem to come out good on a digital camra the way that my pink and red pills along with the bottles I have come out. Any suggestions on how to make the yellow and white pills come out better

  4. #4
    My dig. cam has some feature (have no idea what it's called) where the lens will change zoom angle (and you can't zoom). Know when you push a button and the mountain appears on your LCD, and then there's a flower if you push it again. I use the flower one, with no flash, but use some light around it, and they come out crystal clear.

  5. #5
    Hey Key, the flower is a macro feature.

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