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Thread: Im back ... cycle help for a friend...

  1. #1

    Smile Im back ... cycle help for a friend...

    Hi all
    long time no see .. Ive just moved to melbourne Australia, Im studying now at Universuty of Melbourne.

    ok a close friend of mine is doing a cutting cycle for a show , here is his plan .
    weight 195 with minimal water retention .
    week 1-8 test prop 100mg every 2nd day
    week 1-8 primo 100mg every 2nd day.
    week1-8 anavar 6 tabs a day
    gh 2 iu per day
    hes also going to use t3 and clen .
    how does the cycle look like? and when should he start the t3 and clen?
    thx bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Depending on his age 2ius of GH may just be a waste, ideally 4-6ius, othwerwise looks fine.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    I would say all looks good but det "G" should be at 3-4iu per day 3 being the absolute minimum...i would personaly with 4iu MON-SAT "om" and SUN "off", possibly even MON-FRI "on" and SAT & SUN "off", my 0.02 cents...XXL

  4. #4
    4IU it is .. thx guys.
    when should he start the t3 ?

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