ok guys, some of you have been following my threads, and basically i started a deca only cycle, and three weeks into it, after all the flaming i got on here i got a bottle of test to go alonf with it, now i know i am not taking enough mg's to what is advised, but i am taking 200mg's of deca a week, and ill be taking 250mg's of test a week. can i expect any anabolic affect from this? due to taking the deca three weeks before i just now got the test, i am due for an injection on the deca, so i am going to start the test also, so my question is, with a ten ml bottle of test, and 7ml's of deca left, should i just take 250 test a week, and i will be on that for 3 weeks longer then the deca, or should i up the test to about 350mg's a week, and itll finish when i am out of deca(7 weeks from now) thank you, i am woundering more on if you guys think i will see the littlest amount of an anabolic affect.