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Thread: is it too late

  1. #1

    is it too late

    ok i will try this here, i did not get a warm welcome in the steroid fourm...

    ok so here is a question. All these pro bodybuilders if you look at pictures of them they have been huge since the time they were 16. so my question is do you think it is way to late to start bodybuilding at the age of 25? I have been lifting hard for about 6+ years now but my diet was not always in check. However I am currently 5ft 6in 175lbs @6.6% bf, I have been researching using steroids on and off for about 5 of those years and I feel like it is time. So I guess my question is would it be possible through the use of steroids to reach the goal of becoming a ifbb pro boudybuilder? Some times I feel like I am way too old, but on the other hand it has all ways been a dream of mine. Just let me know what you think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    hey mate, its never to late
    HOWEVER i think ur odds of acheiving ur goal are those of getting attacked by a shark in a pond

    try remember these pro bodybuilders not only have been juicing since they were young, but they also have some of the best genetics around, meaning they NATURALY could acheive close to or over 200 pounds and low body fat percentages

    not only that but they also use insuilin, growth hormone and other substanbces to allow them to acheieve the size they are

    also they not only have great growth genetics but also bodyfat striping abilities AND natural symatery (they look in portion naturaly, which is what bodybuilding is also about)

    as for steroids, these guys practically never come off steroids, and their cycle are 2-3 grams if not more of steroid compounds just to keep their size and keep growing

    u on the other hand have never cycled, are 10 years later then them starting bodybuilding, prpably DONT have the greatest genetics known to mankind like they do, wouldnt use insulin or growth hormone just yet, AND u would need to go through atleast 5-6 cycles just to acheieve that kind of physique and then probaly stay on juice to get their
    once uve got the size ud have to go through the most strenuous diets, training and substances and compounds to allow u to drop that bodyfat
    then before shows u need to know not only the right diet and substances BUT also the PERFECT timing of using diuretics, compounds, food etc to make sure ur body is the best shape when u come out on stage
    then u have to stand next to other guys who have probably been in the game for over 10 years and have had heaps of practise and time to get to their physique, and do a perfect posing routine (also VERY IMPORTANT since u get scored on it) and hope ur physique, routine, condition, symatry, definition and hard work have payed off

    and what i just went through was just the basics, what im trying to say is these guys u see that are pro bodybuilders in that kind of shape are 1 in 10,000 million bodybuilders

    their are alot of great bodybuilder out their, some have been traiing just as long and hard as the pro bodybuilders BUT they genetically can never compete against those type of guys becuase no matter what they use, they can NEVER acheiev that level of physique,
    WHY DO U THINK these monsters are admired so much?

    what im trying to say is i dont beleieve (unless u had a miracle) that u could ever become that level of bodybuilder

    and acheievable goal would be JUST to be in the same division or compete in the heavy weights class (thats hard enough), believing u can become as great as some of the best bodybuilders is a pretty unrealistic dream

    moral and point of my story, GEAR will not allow u to acheive that level of physique alone

    also can u post a pic of ur physique, i find 6.6% bf as hard to believe as u becoming a pro bodybuilder, and im sure most people in this forum when the read this are rolling their eyes, since alot if not all people seem to underestimate their bodyfat

    im not trying to critisize u if u think i am, im really just trying to point out and make u realise though ur goal seems plausable to u, if u understood gear, diet, training, genetics and other things that come into play u would realise ur goal is like trying to say

    i wanna be the next rodger federer in tennis

    Private message me if u have any more questions

    but ALSO its NOT TO LATE to start bodybuilding, and its NOT to late to start gear, BUT its probably never going to be time for u to become a real big IFFB PRO

  3. #3
    energizer bunny's Avatar
    energizer bunny is offline Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference
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    Quote Originally Posted by loach View Post
    ok i will try this here, i did not get a warm welcome in the steroid fourm...

    ok so here is a question. All these pro bodybuilders if you look at pictures of them they have been huge since the time they were 16. so my question is do you think it is way to late to start bodybuilding at the age of 25? I have been lifting hard for about 6+ years now but my diet was not always in check. However I am currently 5ft 6in 175lbs @6.6% bf, I have been researching using steroids on and off for about 5 of those years and I feel like it is time. So I guess my question is would it be possible through the use of steroids to reach the goal of becoming a ifbb pro boudybuilder? Some times I feel like I am way too old, but on the other hand it has all ways been a dream of mine. Just let me know what you think.
    hey also love to see a pic....youl be looking prety solid at 5ft 6in at 175lbs sinle digit also 5.6..but im about 18% at moment (getting lower) at it would be great to see your pics as my goal is 10%...

    Last edited by energizer bunny; 09-19-2009 at 07:16 AM.

  4. #4
    haha, i all ways get that about my BF% i have my skin fold done to get that number, we use the 7 point skin fold so it is pretty spot on, i naturally sit around 6-8%, i am able to do this due to my diet which is right on, staying lean is not what i have trouble with, i have trouble getting big with out adding fat, but lately i have managed to lower bf and add lean mass at the same time, it is just so slowly that by the time i hit 200lbs ill be 30-35, and by the time i am that age i can pretty much give up and hope of bodybuilding

  5. #5
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    Did my first show at 27 and 13 more since then. You are not too late at all.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Did my first show at 27 and 13 more since then. You are not too late at all.
    that is awesome man... i just feel like i am only going to go down hill, i guess i am just feeling old, and i know 25 is not that old, however its the oldest i have ever been....

  7. #7
    Of course you can start competing at any age. Now becoming a professional, will take all the right cards (no pun intended).

  8. #8
    well i was going to do a show this fall, but i think i am going to take some time to bulk and then do one in the summer.

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