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Thread: 1st cycle

  1. #1

    1st cycle

    i am on a high protien diet moderate carbs, looking to bulk up slightly
    and be cut up. i am 19 years old 5"9 am 12 and half stone. what steriods
    should i think of getting? i already have 30 20mg tamoxifen tabs for pct ani info would be great. cheers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Welcome aboard.

    First off, you are too young still. As much as you dont want to hear it, you are not physically ready for any AAS.

    Read this...

    and this...

  3. #3
    cheers for the advise what would you recommend for me to do?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    If you are looking to bulk up and get cut, then your diet is where you need to start. Have you been to our diet forum yet? If not, I recommend you check it out.

    Start a new thread over there, post up your diet in as much detail as possible, show every meal, and the macros (cals, fat, carbs and proteins for each food), get your BF% ready, TDEE and BMR if you can, and let them critique the crap out of it.

    You will soon have a customized diet just for you that you can work with. Once your body has reached its full maxium limit of growth, then you can worry about steroids, but that will still be a few years from now.

    Stay dedicated and play it smart.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Is ur weight equivalent to 175 lb ? If so then u need to reevaluate ur diet... Bro If u wake up with a bone that doesn't let u pee in the morning... Go to bed with a boner and want to bang ur girls brain out everytime u see her u have enough test

  6. #6
    TITANIUM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    If you are looking to bulk up and get cut, then your diet is where you need to start. Have you been to our diet forum yet? If not, I recommend you check it out.

    Start a new thread over there, post up your diet in as much detail as possible, show every meal, and the macros (cals, fat, carbs and proteins for each food), get your BF% ready, TDEE and BMR if you can, and let them critique the crap out of it.

    You will soon have a customized diet just for you that you can work with. Once your body has reached its full maxium limit of growth, then you can worry about steroids, but that will still be a few years from now.

    Stay dedicated and play it smart.

    going4ripped-Great Post Bro!




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