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Thread: LiL Help!!

  1. #1

    LiL Help!!

    Hey guys, I want to start a cycle but don’t know where to start. I’m 5’11”, 190#, 8% bf, and I’m 24. I just finished competing (wrestled D1 for 4 years) and want to pack on some muscle. Been lifting consistently for 4-5 yrs. I have taken var in the past when I was competing but did no research or take the right precautions…so basically I’m a noob when it comes to juice.

    I have been reading many of the other posts, and I’m sure my diet can use tweaking, but for now I would appreciate any advice on the right cycle.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS
    A usal first cycle would be along the lines of test c or e 500mg a week for 12 weeks followed by a pct of nolva and clomid,Also you need to make sure your diet is in check as using steroids and having a sub par diet is a waste

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    ^Siggy is right as usual.

    Here's a link to beginner cycle info:

    If you need help on your diet, start a thread in the diet forum

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