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Thread: PCT supplement question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    PCT supplement question

    Okay when coming off a cycle (test e 400 x 12 wk) and going into PCT i notice alot of people use natural test boosters. My question is, is LG Science Liquid Masterdrol and natural test booster or Prohormone and can it be used in PCT along with nolva and clomid and other supps such as creatine and other stuff. Reason I ask this is because I see on the supplement add it says to PCT so thats why i would figure its a prohormone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    you can use test booster in PCT,but not needed if you have a good PCT.

    prohormone are steroids.So treat them like steroids.You would not use steroids in a PCT..

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