Not sure how many of you guys over seas can access BBC and BBC i.player but I managed to watch Question Time with Nick Griffin, political leader of the BNP, and the show was a mixture of interest and shambolic bullshit.
I would say 90% of the show was dedicated to ripping into Nick Griffin. Hardly surprising being it was the BBC, an ultra left corporation. Did anyone not find it upsetting that all people like Jack Straw and Baroness Waldi could do was pander to the left, spout rhetoric and not answer anything asked of them? Most of the drones of the general masses will jump on the "BNP is evil mmkay" bandwagon but Griffin did make some salient points. We do have an immigration problem, in a time of a recession and mounting unemployment we are still allowing mass amounts of immigration, a lot of these people not accounted for. He also stated that once a Conservative Government get in, which they will come next general election, there is no doubt they will join with the US and invade Iran. And he's right about one thing, for all the propaganda of the Government, of the BBC, there's no blood on his hands.
I thought Griffin aquitted himself fairly well, when accused of being someone opposed to democracy he clearly showed how the labour government is selling out to the EU.
Griffin also stated that we shouldn't be in a war with Iraq, that we should never have gotten into a war and its the fault of goverments like Labour and Conservative that we are in one. When also critisized over his stance on Islam being a "wicked faith", well how can you not fault him on that? I know that sounds very anti-semetic, but because of Labour we now have Sharia Law which is against democracy, freedom of speech and equality for women.
Of course the majority of the panel simply rabble roused the audience the whole time, we prehaps one or two actual free thinkers attacking the likes of Straw and Baroness Walsi.
If people want to piss and moan about the BNP, then fine, but its because of the absolute incompetence of our Government that they have two seats in Europe. People are actually beginning to get sick of the lies coming from mainstream politicians, and this is a problem that I feel is not just in the UK but the US as well. Labour and Conservatives have no one to blame but themselves for the BNP becoming more and more popular now.
Initially the BBC didn't want the BNP on the show. It was only due to pressure they relented, I democratic is that when you flout democracy yet use censorship?
The show is in 6 parts here, 10 minutes long. I know there are some politically minded people here, and UK politics may not be your cup of tea BUT it does show what is a growing problem in Western society. There is a lot of hostility towards Griffin but some of his views do hold true. I also liked Chris Huine on this show.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6