Hey guys obviously I'm new here, but i had a quick question about my Tren Hex/ Test E or Prop/ Winny Cycle..
First off this is my 6th cycle and I've used all of these compounds at some point before.
I'm 6'2 212 and 13% bf. I train close to damn near everyday with a mix of crossfit/cardio workouts and regular ole fashion gym routines. I'm hoping to gain lean quality muscle which is something I know this cycle will do.
1cc of Parabolan QV 80 (Tren Hex) every third day - Weeks 1-8
50mg Winstrol (Oral) ed - Weeks 2-8
??cc Test E or Prop every third day - Weeks 1-8
Im just not sure how much Test to run each week.. Suggestions?
I have done the Tren/Winny combo before with great results just sucks losing your libido every thing else went fine.
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50