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Thread: dorians cycles!?

  1. #1

    dorians cycles!?

    i´ve found this somewhere in the net, but had to see, that it isn´t complete

    " (...) I don't think he does this all in one go otherwise he'd be dead. But this is what he done through out the year while he was a pro, dorian revelled it in a seminar in Norway.

    Genotropin 16 IE 7IU 3xDay= HGH
    Humalog 10Iu 4xDay = fast insulin
    Anapolon 100mgs 4-5xDay=Anadrol
    Metanabol 15-20mgs 5xDay=Dianabol
    Finabolan 1500mgs week= finaplix injectable
    Testosterone Suspension 1200mgs week
    IGF-1/Prostaglandin 4xDay)
    Halotestin 10mgs 4xDay= strength
    Drolban 20mgs 5xDay= Masteron
    Triacana 25mcgs 3xDay=cytomel
    Broncoterol "doesn't list"- clenbuterol
    Nandrolone Decanoate 1000mgs week- deca-durabolan
    Diprospan "doesn't list" (Never heard of it)
    Primobolan Depot 600mg week
    Stromba Tabs 100mgs day= winny
    Zitazonium 10mgs 3xDay=Nolvadex
    Trembolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate 1060mgs week= parabolan
    Testosterone Enathate 800mgs week
    Bolderone Undeconate 1200mgs week=EQ
    Clomiphene Citrate 150mgs day= clomid
    Superbolin (Austrailian)= Nandrolone
    Pentestone 20mgs 2xDay= Andriol
    Testosterone Blend 1500mgs week= sustenon
    L-Dopa (does not list)"

    does anybody have more precise knowledge about the dosages he took?

    thanx in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Yeah he could have done that over a years time, but that much gear in one cycle would put you 6 feet deep...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Originally posted by MBaraso
    Yeah he could have done that over a years time, but that much gear in one cycle would put you 6 feet deep...
    Exactly. Even over a years time, that is some very heavy and very unhealthy cycling.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all
    Somewhere on this board is a detailed interview with Dorian (try searching for it) in which, if i recall, he was pretty candid and straightforward with his drug usage. If i further recall, it wasn't all that close to the above cycle by a longshot.

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