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Thread: Lean Muscle Cycle OPINIONS PLZ !

  1. #1

    Lean Muscle Cycle OPINIONS PLZ !

    Currently 6'2 195 working out for the past 4 years. I have taken Deca 300 in the past and have hated the bloated water weight feeling. I am looking to put on a solid 10 pounds lean muscle. I am thinking of taking either of the following:

    Wks 1-8 Parabolan 228 mg a week
    wks 3-8 25 mg Anavar ED
    Then clomid


    Wks 1-8 Eq 400 Mg
    Wks 3-8 25mg Anavar ED
    Then Clomid

    Any advice to which cycle would best benefit me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    don't do the eq....for it to be totally effective and to get your monies worth it needs to be run 10weeks minimum....imho

  3. #3
    chinups Guest
    Just adjust Eq to 10 weeks. It gets you vascular.

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