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Thread: CRAZY testosterone result!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    CRAZY testosterone result!

    Hey all just got my blood test reults back and everything was ok except for my Testosterone, its written like this; TESTOSTERONE nmol/L (12.0-32.0) 195.2

    Now im unfamiliar with the terminology of the above or whats considered normal amount of test or the unit of measuring this i.e nmol/L? Any help on this will be taken thanku.. My test is extremely high because i have been running Test Enth 1750mg/week. REASON BEING for my high dose of test is this, i read that my batch of Aburaihan Enth was fake or underdosed so i thought i'v bought it i middas well take it, so EOD i was pinning 2ml averages out over the cycle at 1750mg/wk. So at week 4 into my cycle i got this blood test done and this was my result, confirming to me that my test clearly isnt fake.. But from day 1 up until now my testes havnt shrunk, my libido hasnt changed, erections are ok, my liver is tested ok, had sore kidneys but there ok now after stopping the Tren, i have no acne, my blood pressure is normal, next to no water retention, no bloating, my sodium level is normal, i have no side effects related to testosterone let alone at my high dose. Although i am running HCG at 250mg EOD so clearly my Pregnyl is doing its job. I would like to hear some opinions on this so far and if anyone has any experience in this field for some advice..?

    28yr old male
    227 lbs
    13% bf
    Training for 2 yrs, never cycled before this is my first cycle.


    I dont have a training schedule i just stick to this split.

    meal 1- oats, tub yogurt, soy milk, 6 egg whites, 1 muffin, 2 slice cheese
    meal 2- 230g chicken breast, brown rice, bowl of salad
    meal 3- 230g fillet steak, pasta, bowl of salad, tbsp peanut butter
    meal 4- 130g chicken breast, brown rice, bowl of salad,protein bar
    meal 5- 230g tuna on a subway salad roll.
    PWO 6- 80g WPI protein, 80g maltodextrin
    PWM 7- 230g chicken or fillet steak, bowl of salad, 50g roasted almonds.
    meal 8 - 80g Slow release protein shake before bed.
    4 litres water/day

    week 1-4 - 40mg Dianabols
    week 1-5 - 75 mg EOD tren Acetate
    Week 1-10 - 1750mg/wk test Enth
    Week 1-10 - 75mg Proviron
    Week 1-10 - 250mg HCG


    As far as gains are going so far,i havnt really experienced much strength gain, a little size gain i.e. 1/2" on my arms in 5 weeks, i really dont know what to expect so some help would be good, pumps are good and intense tho my arms pump just sweeping the floor! Heres some more blood reults;

    LDH 158 U/L (120-250)
    AST 30 U/L ( 10/40)
    ALT 61 U/L ( 5-40)
    CRP 1.4 mg/L (0.0-5.0)

    I dont know what the above abreviations are for so if u could tell me that would be great...


    Is my test result normal for the amount of test i was injecting, and how can u work it out?

  2. #2
    1750mg/week is a ridiculous amount...i suspect it might be underdosed because i would expect higher t levels plus you claim 250iu hcg eod, which will further boost t levels(and desensitize ur testes to lh)i think u overdid the hcg....anyways injectables aren't expected to mess up ur liver too bad, the d-bol would have tho, and u claim u got tested 4 weeks into cycle so ur liver should have survived the worst part of the cycle....anyways as for ur blood results:
    ldh is lactate dehydrogenase which is a bloodwork for determining level of hemolysis/tissue breakdown and regeneration
    ast is aspartate transaminase,it is a liver enzyme and elevated levels indicate acute liver damage
    alt is alanine transaminase, another liver enzyme-mildly elevated levels indicate liver damage, significantly elevated levels indicate congestive heart failure, mono, some form of myopathy etc

    crp stands for c-reactive protein a marker of inflammation(usually of the liver)
    i;m hoping you ve had the tests done anonymously because health insurance companies can later refuse to pay for treatment of aas induced hypogonadism that u might develop any time in the future(they ll basically assume any hypogonadotropic hypogonadism to be aas induced if they get hold of ur lab results)and than you're looking at daily injections of hmg(about 20bucks) if u want to maintain fertility...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    good info, thanks

  4. #4
    The measurement nmol/L means nano-mole per Litre of blood.

    nano is 10^9 or 0,000000001

    and mole is an SI unit for a certain amount of molecules of any sort. One mole testosterone-molecules for example is 6,022x10^23

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Thanx Panthera for your info great help! So my level of test is a weak level considering the amount of test i am pinning meaning that my test IS underdosed, correct?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    1750 for a first cycle with dbol and tren?

    are you sure thats not a typo or am i misreading?

  7. #7
    Hahaha, dbol, tren, and almost 2g's a week of test on first cycle with 2 years of training. Awesome.

    Let's see the field day everyone has with this one.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    inside my mind
    im sure he meant 750 test.. lol surely

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Not gonna comment on the cycle but if you have trouble reading your results ask the doc or nurse when you get your paper work next time bro.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    1750 for a first cycle with dbol and tren?

    are you sure thats not a typo or am i misreading?
    Fuzz, I said the same thing.

    I am at a loss on this post.

    I hope he has a good health plan.

    Best of luck to you bro.


  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by panthera View Post
    1750mg/week is a ridiculous amount...i suspect it might be underdosed because i would expect higher t levels plus you claim 250iu hcg eod, which will further boost t levels(and desensitize ur testes to lh)i think u overdid the hcg....anyways injectables aren't expected to mess up ur liver too bad, the d-bol would have tho, and u claim u got tested 4 weeks into cycle so ur liver should have survived the worst part of the cycle....anyways as for ur blood results:
    ldh is lactate dehydrogenase which is a bloodwork for determining level of hemolysis/tissue breakdown and regeneration
    ast is aspartate transaminase,it is a liver enzyme and elevated levels indicate acute liver damage
    alt is alanine transaminase, another liver enzyme-mildly elevated levels indicate liver damage, significantly elevated levels indicate congestive heart failure, mono, some form of myopathy etc

    crp stands for c-reactive protein a marker of inflammation(usually of the liver)
    i;m hoping you ve had the tests done anonymously because health insurance companies can later refuse to pay for treatment of aas induced hypogonadism that u might develop any time in the future(they ll basically assume any hypogonadotropic hypogonadism to be aas induced if they get hold of ur lab results)and than you're looking at daily injections of hmg(about 20bucks) if u want to maintain fertility...
    I thought that was only when doses of hcg exceeded 500 iu?

    Back in the day guys would use a few shots of 5000 iu HCG for pct, or right before pct, and that changed as they found how those higher doses were doing that.

    Then there was the, swale I think, method of using low dose hcg, 500iu 1x EW, or 250 2x EW because the lower doses did not do that.

    Had new information come out saying even low dose hcg does that too?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    I thought that was only when doses of hcg exceeded 500 iu?

    Back in the day guys would use a few shots of 5000 iu HCG for pct, or right before pct, and that changed as they found how those higher doses were doing that.

    Then there was the, swale I think, method of using low dose hcg, 500iu 1x EW, or 250 2x EW because the lower doses did not do that.

    Had new information come out saying even low dose hcg does that too?
    I'd like to know this too. I thougt that only doses over 500iu at one time would desensitize ledig cells??

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    I thought that was only when doses of hcg exceeded 500 iu?

    Back in the day guys would use a few shots of 5000 iu HCG for pct, or right before pct, and that changed as they found how those higher doses were doing that.

    Then there was the, swale I think, method of using low dose hcg, 500iu 1x EW, or 250 2x EW because the lower doses did not do that.

    Had new information come out saying even low dose hcg does that too?

    No new info that I am aware of, so this method ^^^^ would be correct.(250iu's x 2/3 wk).

    As far as the rest of this post the OP made, it's all over the place.

    We can de-crypt it as it moves along.(I guess).



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i think theres a misunderstanding here....

    i am not effectively taking 1750 ml of test as for its UNDERDOSED even though i am practically pinning 1750ml, god knows realistically how much of that 1750 i am taking but i know for matter of experience that it isnt the entire 1750mgs of Testosterone i have floating in my system.. ALSO i forgot to mention that my Tren Acetate was fake, fake batch of GENESIS that i had picked up so u can basically exclude that...

    There is no typo this is my situation....

  15. #15
    I would say that your test of 195,2 nmol/L is pretty high as the normal range is between 10 and 30.

  16. #16
    Since you have HG stuff, why don't you just check on the pharmacies site if your batch is good? Which obviously it is. Also, I don't see how if HG gear is legit, it would be underdosed..

    Lower the cycle dude, it's unnecessary.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    ummm 192 nmol/L,,, hey guess what your shit aint fake,, take it down a notch

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    holy sh*t turn it down a notch bro

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    hey thanx for your help guys, i just need to hear a few opnions thats all and yes i did bump it down to 750mg/wk when i got my results back. All is good thanks..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    That is one of the dumbest first cycles I have ever heard of.

  21. #21
    How much test do you think a pro bodybuilder puts in his body weekly?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Total T:

    195 nmol/L = 5571.42 ng/l

    Which is ALOT!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by nusiot View Post
    i think theres a misunderstanding here....

    i am not effectively taking 1750 ml of test as for its UNDERDOSED even though i am practically pinning 1750ml, god knows realistically how much of that 1750 i am taking but i know for matter of experience that it isnt the entire 1750mgs of Testosterone i have floating in my system.. ALSO i forgot to mention that my Tren Acetate was fake, fake batch of GENESIS that i had picked up so u can basically exclude that...

    There is no typo this is my situation....
    Your Test Enan isnt underdosed I dont think.

    Your total T is very high indeed. Its higher than pharm grade amounts of 500-750mg/wk would put it.

    Lower your dose.

    Next time, do some more research. Dbol/Test/Tren isnt a good first cycle.

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