Hey all just got my blood test reults back and everything was ok except for my Testosterone, its written like this; TESTOSTERONE nmol/L (12.0-32.0) 195.2
Now im unfamiliar with the terminology of the above or whats considered normal amount of test or the unit of measuring this i.e nmol/L? Any help on this will be taken thanku.. My test is extremely high because i have been running Test Enth 1750mg/week. REASON BEING for my high dose of test is this, i read that my batch of Aburaihan Enth was fake or underdosed so i thought i'v bought it i middas well take it, so EOD i was pinning 2ml averages out over the cycle at 1750mg/wk. So at week 4 into my cycle i got this blood test done and this was my result, confirming to me that my test clearly isnt fake.. But from day 1 up until now my testes havnt shrunk, my libido hasnt changed, erections are ok, my liver is tested ok, had sore kidneys but there ok now after stopping the Tren, i have no acne, my blood pressure is normal, next to no water retention, no bloating, my sodium level is normal, i have no side effects related to testosterone let alone at my high dose. Although i am running HCG at 250mg EOD so clearly my Pregnyl is doing its job. I would like to hear some opinions on this so far and if anyone has any experience in this field for some advice..?
28yr old male
227 lbs
13% bf
Training for 2 yrs, never cycled before this is my first cycle.
I dont have a training schedule i just stick to this split.
meal 1- oats, tub yogurt, soy milk, 6 egg whites, 1 muffin, 2 slice cheese
meal 2- 230g chicken breast, brown rice, bowl of salad
meal 3- 230g fillet steak, pasta, bowl of salad, tbsp peanut butter
meal 4- 130g chicken breast, brown rice, bowl of salad,protein bar
meal 5- 230g tuna on a subway salad roll.
PWO 6- 80g WPI protein, 80g maltodextrin
PWM 7- 230g chicken or fillet steak, bowl of salad, 50g roasted almonds.
meal 8 - 80g Slow release protein shake before bed.
4 litres water/day
week 1-4 - 40mg Dianabols
week 1-5 - 75 mg EOD tren Acetate
Week 1-10 - 1750mg/wk test Enth
Week 1-10 - 75mg Proviron
Week 1-10 - 250mg HCG
As far as gains are going so far,i havnt really experienced much strength gain, a little size gain i.e. 1/2" on my arms in 5 weeks, i really dont know what to expect so some help would be good, pumps are good and intense tho my arms pump just sweeping the floor! Heres some more blood reults;
LDH 158 U/L (120-250)
AST 30 U/L ( 10/40)
ALT 61 U/L ( 5-40)
CRP 1.4 mg/L (0.0-5.0)
I dont know what the above abreviations are for so if u could tell me that would be great...
Is my test result normal for the amount of test i was injecting, and how can u work it out?