just wondering,
say you was on a course of test 500mg a week and winny 350mg a week, could you add deca in there at say 200mg a week to help with the joint pain caused by winny, just curious on this
just wondering,
say you was on a course of test 500mg a week and winny 350mg a week, could you add deca in there at say 200mg a week to help with the joint pain caused by winny, just curious on this
Some people get relief from Deca some dont. I have not noticed any real benefit in joint but I was VERY hopeful...
cheers for the answer bro, its been abit slow 2day, im jus doin a lil research
If your joints hurt deca will ease them for you, you will have to find the right dose for you. However I'm not sure if it would ease pain on a wini cycle maybe the winni effects different parts of the joints, You can always try it. I would.
From what I've heard, EQ and winny works like a charm. 400mg EQ will lube up the joints real nice. Don't do winny by itself, it'll dry out your tendons and make them brittle, plus with the extra strength and size from the test, it's a disaster waiting to happen.
interesting this, im not planning on doing it yet but im just curious, its always good to ask questions i think
150-200mg deca is good. I noticed my tendonitis in my forearm was gone with npp,so I think it helps. I also think EQ and test and drol helps with joint pain,because of the water.
id go with yes,, it should counter that winny. At least i did for me
what doses did you run chuck
How long have you been on winny for?
How many cycles have you done?
im not on winny
Yesterday, 12:48 AM
Associate Member Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: liverpool, UK
Posts: 289
deca and winny
just wondering,
say you was on a course of test 500mg a week and winny 350mg a week, could you add deca in there at say 200mg a week to help with the joint pain caused by winny, just curious on this
You can add deca to help but deca also brings issues, like hard recovery so if you have never ran winny before just go with it and see what happens, only run it for a short period of time say 4 wks...
Before you start any cycle its hard to comment without stats and how long you have been training for.
thanks pal
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