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Thread: Does anyone else DISAGREE with this cycle???

  1. #1

    Does anyone else DISAGREE with this cycle???

    Okay, I am getting a bunch of shit on other boards about the following.
    I am 21, 5'11 and roughly 180.
    Okay, This would be my second cycle and it consists of this.
    100mg Fina ED
    100mg Prop ED
    50mg Winny QV ED

    Well, after talking to a few guys, I decided to just frontload it for 7-10 days, then go EOD.
    Should I remain ED with the winny in the meantime? Or should I bring that EOD too?I want to run it from 42-49 days (6-7 weeks)

    I need some opinions form mods how I should run this for best results.
    BTW: I am using this as a cutting cycle along with Swolegenics and xenadrine, ALA, Flax, ect

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Does anyone else DISAGREE with this cycle???

    Originally posted by got test?
    I need some opinions form mods how I should run this for best results.
    Since you don't want answers from us "common people" - I am out...

  3. #3
    lol, warrior, naw man, When I said "mods" I meant that "loosely".
    If you feel you have some knowledge, pass it along brotha!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Frontloading (which I believe is Bill Roberts has the conversions somewhere - I will try and find some kind of matrix based on ester length) is based on an ester length's half life and rate in witch it enters the system. The purpose is too get blood levels up right away - vs weeks later. Most suitable for longer esters like enanthate, decanoate and undecanoate...

    Simply doing double the maintenance dose is the lame mans way of figuring it out - but short esters with a half life with in 2-3 days don't need to be doubled up for an entire week - you are just going to jack your system up and then drop the dose by doing that... not the best thing to do.

    If you want to get blood levels up by frontloading a short ester like Acetate or Propinate, you only need to double it the first day. Double the maintenance dose.

    For example,
    50mg Fina ED (frontload 100mg day one)
    50mg Prop ED (frontload 100mg day one)
    50mg Winny QV ED (frontload 100mg day one)

    What shit are you catching from other boards...?

  5. #5
    They are telling me that at 180 lbs, I should not be on gear...

    They also said that I am doing way too much at once.

  6. #6
    Tomorrow will be day 8. I am not going to inject, I am going EOD from tomorrow on.

    Tomorrow I am going to take 100mg of clomid, then 50mg for the following 4 days just to get my levels somewhat back to normal from the frontloading process.

    Anyone think that makes sense?
    PM me if you like as well..

    I am all about opinions here, good or bad..

  7. #7
    180 Your way too small to be using that much gear. I am 225 and I still use less. But its your body, do what you will with it.

  8. #8
    Like I said, I cut down to EOD..

    Still think its too much?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Leave the clomid until after your cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Miller's Crossing
    Wks1-6 100mg Prop EOD
    Wks1-6 100mg Fina EOD
    Wks1-6 50mg winny ED

    Start clomid 2 days after last dose.

    Thats a pretty good 6wk cutting cycle. With a proper diet it should render some good gains

  11. #11
    I have actually been on for the past 7 days.. Today is day 8.
    I have been doing ED but now opting for EOD just because I am taking peoples advice about me not needing that much and it being pointless.
    What should I do from this point.
    I am not going to inject today. IF I do, it will be winny.
    Do you guys think I should just do EVERYTHING EOD or just the fina/prop EOD and the winny ED..
    Please let me know.
    I have never done winny before.

    My last cycle was 6 weeks of fina @75mg/ml, Prop 100mg/ml EOD.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i know that winny and fina are both pretty short acting esters and many people i talked to recommend shooting ED. Personally I'm nearing the end of my Test E/Fina cycle. I did 500mgs test a week with 100mgs Fina ED. Six weeks in and i'm loving this cycle. I'm up 25lbs and still looking pretty lean. Point being Fina ED is a good idea.

  13. #13
    How many cycles have you had before that?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by got test?
    How many cycles have you had before that?
    The number of cycles you have had means jack shit. It is your total lean weight - if you are 230lbs and looking to get on, your doses should be much more than that of a 170lbs newbie. Sounds like you are caught in the myth of receptor down regulation. Since testosterone is a naturally occuring hormone - you must be pretty down regualted as it is right?

    As far as, if you should run a cycle, probably not. You don't need it. You need to concentrate on diet and training for long term. You just jump straight on the sauce and good luck keeping your new body - if you don't know how to train and eat as a 200 pounder - you will lose it.

    Honestly, if you just want to improve recovery and protein sythesis - take some dbols and clomid...

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