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Thread: Dianabol Cycle

  1. #1

    Dianabol Cycle

    OK, I just ordered 3 bottles of Dianafort. Each bottle has 100 10mg tabs. I want to use all of the tabs because left overs just seem like a waste of money. Would 8 weeks at 50mg/day be OK? I've heard some people say that Dianabol is terrible and will make your liver shrivel up and die, and I've heard others say it's not that bad. Don't make a post saying that a Dianabol-only cycle is a waste and I'll lose all of my gains. You obviously don't know what you're talking about if that's what you believe. I just want to know if my liver can handle it.

    Also, would taking milk thistle during the cycle weaken the anabolic effects of the Dianabol?

    P.S. I have every intention on doing a good PCT of Clomid or Nolvadex.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman2021 View Post
    OK, I just ordered 3 bottles of Dianafort. Each bottle has 100 10mg tabs. I want to use all of the tabs because left overs just seem like a waste of money. Would 8 weeks at 50mg/day be OK? I've heard some people say that Dianabol is terrible and will make your liver shrivel up and die, and I've heard others say it's not that bad. Don't make a post saying that a Dianabol-only cycle is a waste and I'll lose all of my gains. You obviously don't know what you're talking about if that's what you believe. I just want to know if my liver can handle it.

    Also, would taking milk thistle during the cycle weaken the anabolic effects of the Dianabol?

    P.S. I have every intention on doing a good PCT of Clomid or Nolvadex.



  3. #3
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    So you want us to lie to you then?

  4. #4
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    Just do like most of the kids. Look in a mirror and tell yourself whatever you want to hear. Who cares if you liver can handle it. I think you should double the doese. Hell in a few years you can probably get a new liver anyways.

    dont worry about side effect, the quick gains will be worth it and Im sure you will be one of the few or only ones who will keep the gains, mostly water weight.

    Have fun. Only wimps take milk thistle, be a man, no water, no milk thistle or any cleansing products. Man up

  5. #5
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    Great first post with this one.



  6. #6
    Unless you can offer evidence to your belief that all gains from Dianabol will be lost, I don't want to hear it. Dianabol is arguably one of the most anabolic steroids available. Sure, you may lose half of the weight you gain but that's because it's water. Would you rather gain 8 pounds of muscle on test (overall 8 pound gain), or gain 24 pounds and lose 10 pounds on Dianabol (overall 14 pound gain)?

  7. #7
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    Only 8 pounds gained on Test? Huh?

  8. #8
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    Titanium and lovbyts are correct. I'll tell you what, if you know so much why even ask? Go do your dumbass cycle then have the balls to come back and tell us about it kid.

  9. #9
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    Well, I was going to crash out for the night, but I'll stay up and watch this post.

    late night antics



  10. #10
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    It should be short T.....

  11. #11
    Look guys, all I want to know is whether or not 50mg/day for 8 weeks is too much or not. If so, what do you recommend? I don't have the money to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars to stack it with test and deca and everything else you can name. I don't like needles so it has to be tabs (don't even want to hear criticism for not liking needles).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Test is cheap to run.(E)

    Learn to love needles.

    Run the d-bol @ 40 mgs day for 4 wks max with test.



    (I never condone running d-bol with out test).

  13. #13
    Thank you!

    I had a bad experience with my first test injection that I don't think I can overcome. So the only test I can really take is testosterone undecoanate, but it's pretty expensive.

  14. #14
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    Hey, lovbyts, how you been bro?

    Us old guys just keep getting old and more broken down!!!LOL



  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman2021 View Post
    Thank you!

    I had a bad experience with my first test injection that I don't think I can overcome. So the only test I can really take is testosterone undecoanate, but it's pretty expensive.
    What was it?

    Maybee I can help.



  16. #16
    Well, I've never been real big on needles. A friend of mine and I ordered some testosterone propionate and a bunch of 22 gauge needles. I sat there for hours with a fully loaded needle until I finally got the courage to slowly stick it in my thigh. It was terribly painful and as soon as I got the needle all the way in, the muscle twitched and I jerked the needle out by accident. I was PISSED! So I finally got the nerve to do it again. I got it in and injected the test. Hurt so much I threw up and almost passed out. Testosterone propionate being famous for the pain it causes later, I couldn't walk without limping for almost a week. I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to take injectable steroids. But I don't want that to stop me.

  17. #17
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    22g Prop injection in the quad was your first? No wonder you are turned off by the idea of injections.

    First off, what are your stats?
    Cycle Exp
    PCT Knowledge
    Training Exp
    Diet Details

  18. #18
    It would probably be best if I didn't give my stats for fear of being kicked out.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman2021 View Post
    It would probably be best if I didn't give my stats for fear of being kicked out.
    That is basically admitting you are under the age of 18....

  20. #20
    I'm not saying I'm under 18 or even under 21. I'm just saying that my overall stats aren't worth mentioning.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman2021 View Post
    I'm not saying I'm under 18 or even under 21. I'm just saying that my overall stats aren't worth mentioning.
    When it pertains to AAS, they are absolutely worth mentioning

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Hey, lovbyts, how you been bro?

    Us old guys just keep getting old and more broken down!!!LOL


    Doing good, getting ready for 3 week vacation in Asia Check out my thread in the lounge on the t-shirt I just had made for my trip. It should get some attention. lol

    I only visit the Q&A section once in a while now due to post like this.

    Newbie with total attitude of a 16 yr old you cant tell anything to.

    I say let him do what he wants. He will listen to anyone who tells him yes. Another newbie who thinks Milk thistle is a cure all also. LOL It's only the slightest bit helpful. There are better products out there. Google... and the most some of the best protection for your liver is the most simple.

    As for your bad needle experience. Obviously once again you did not research or listen to anyone with real experience just like her and it all went wrong. Expect a lot of disappointments in life with your attitude.

    Like stated, if you already have all the answers why ask?
    Last edited by lovbyts; 12-14-2009 at 01:05 AM.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    When it pertains to AAS, they are absolutely worth mentioning


    I am falling asleep at my computer, didn't realize the time.

    Ripped has this one covered and lovbyts is here also.

    Have a good night guys.



  24. #24
    I hardly think I have all of the answers. All I want to know is how I should cycle all of my Dianabol to get the most out of it (without adding anything else to it) and what I should do so I don't end up having to go to the doctor because I look like the Simpsons (that's a jaundice joke in case you didn't catch it).

    Dianabol is all I have to work with right now. I can add other tablets within a reasonable price range.
    Last edited by gman2021; 12-14-2009 at 01:09 AM.

  25. #25
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    Here's some advice: Quit wasting our time! We're trying to help and you just won't listen and you don't care. Well let me tell you something kid. Most of us take this shit seriously and try to help as best we can. But occasionally we run across little jerks like you and it's not cool.
    Take your d-bol. Have fun. Then when all your friends are laughing at you cause you blew up then came right back down don't blame anyone but yourself.
    I'm out.
    Last edited by stpete; 12-14-2009 at 01:16 AM.

  26. #26
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    Again... you want answers, give us your stats so we can better help you.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Doing good, getting ready for 3 week vacation in Asia Check out my thread in the lounge on the t-shirt I just had made for my trip. It should get some attention. lol

    I only visit the Q&A section once in a while now due to post like this.

    Newbie with total attitude of a 16 yr old you cant tell anything to.

    I say let him do what he wants. He will listen to anyone who tells him yes. Another newbie who thinks Milk thistle is a cure all also. LOL It's only the slightest bit helpful. There are better products out there. Google... and the most some of the best protection for your liver is the most simple.

    As for your bad needle experience. Obviously once again you did not research or listen to anyone with real experience just like her and it all went wrong. Expect a lot of disappointments in life with your attitude.

    Like stated, if you already have all the answers why ask?

    3 wks in Asia?


    Bring me home a Yong wife!!!LOL

    To the op, use your glutes for injections at first.

    Lay on the bed and inject.

    That way, if you pass out, you have nowhere to fall to.

    (yes I am being serious here).



  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman2021 View Post
    I hardly think I have all of the answers. All I want to know is how I should cycle all of my Dianabol to get the most out of it (without adding anything else to it) and what I should do so I don't end up having to go to the doctor because I look like the Simpsons (that's a jaundice joke in case you didn't catch it).

    Dianabol is all I have to work with right now. I can add other tablets within a reasonable price range.
    I understand.

    Save the d-bol for a latter cycle withe test E- I suggest.



  29. #29
    My stats:
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'5''
    Weight: 175 lbs.
    Training exp: 2 years on and off.
    Diet: Could be better.

  30. #30
    If I didn't mind needles, I'd stack it with all the test and deca I could. But I CAN'T! So, if you have any suggestions that come in the form of a tablet, I'm all ears... er, well... eyes.

  31. #31
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    Stacking is a BAD idea for a first cycle for many reasons, all you can read about in the stickys above.

    I HATE needles with a passion. I researched and listened to advise here before starting and I still HATE needles but I can do it 2x a week without taking more than 5 minutes most of the time.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Stacking is a BAD idea for a first cycle for many reasons, all you can read about in the stickys above.

    I HATE needles with a passion. I researched and listened to advise here before starting and I still HATE needles but I can do it 2x a week without taking more than 5 minutes most of the time.
    Well, until I can get to that point. Can you guys please help me out with some tablet only cycles? Preferably with Dianabol... since it's being shipped today.

  33. #33
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    8 weeks of d-bol at 50mgs ed is to much liv will not beable to handle it

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Loaded61 View Post
    8 weeks of d-bol at 50mgs ed is to much liv will not beable to handle it
    What would you recommend instead? Keep in mind that I want to use up all 300 of the tablets. Though it doesn't have to be all at once.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman2021 View Post
    Well, until I can get to that point. Can you guys please help me out with some tablet only cycles? Preferably with Dianabol... since it's being shipped today.
    just keep the gear you already bought somewhere and go to the diet section get that in some more research and eventually do a real cycle with a base injectable not just orals

  36. #36
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    You are literally looking for a magic pill. Its not going to happen. You admit your diet could be better, and I hope you know that your gains are going to be highly affected by your diet. And not just a diet you start when you start running a cycle, but one that you have been running for a long time and have achieved natural gains.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    You are literally looking for a magic pill. Its not going to happen. You admit your diet could be better, and I hope you know that your gains are going to be highly affected by your diet. And not just a diet you start when you start running a cycle, but one that you have been running for a long time and have achieved natural gains.
    It doesn't have to be a magic pill. Just as long as it's not a magic injectable. All I want is to get a good boost into a healthier lifestyle and I want to know how I can dose my Dianabol to get that.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Loaded61 View Post
    just keep the gear you already bought somewhere and go to the diet section get that in some more research and eventually do a real cycle with a base injectable not just orals
    Again, I hate needles. So, for the time being at least, injectables are out. So let's just forget about them. I will, however, take a look at the diet section.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by gman2021 View Post
    It doesn't have to be a magic pill. Just as long as it's not a magic injectable. All I want is to get a good boost into a healthier lifestyle and I want to know how I can dose my Dianabol to get that.
    For the sake of a healthier lifestyle, dont use the Dbol at all. Get your diet and training in check first. You are rushing into things you have no idea how they work. Dont risk short or long term side affects just because you want to try Dbol. Not worth it.

  40. #40
    I've already ordered the Dbol. I've done other cycles before that were tablets, but nothing as strong as Dbol.

    All I need to know is what dosage and what duration I need to do in order to get good, liver-happy results as well as use all 300 tablets.

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