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Thread: Few Questions

  1. #1

    Few Questions

    I have a year and a half of natural lifting experience under my belt. 90% of that time frame i was doing splits, the last 10% i have been doing heavy, full body compound routines. Which from my understanding is a good thing because that type of lifting better prepares my joints and tendons for steroid usage. I'm currently 23 years old, weight 190lbs, 6ft, about 15% body fat. My diet is spot on and i have a very vast knowledge of muscle building.

    I have done hours of reading about steroids on this site. Although im not 100% sure if steroid usage is going to be for me. Obviously before doing steroids i would have to spend a great deal of time educating myself on the subject. Which would be kind of pointless if i don't end up using them. So i was wondering if you guys could answer enough basic questions and give me a quick run down on the subject before i decide if i want to further invest my time.

    By no means do i want to look like a body builder. I want to be big but not that big. My ideal goals are about 200-205 pounds at about 10% body fat. Would steroids not be ideal for this? Also how often would i have to cycle steroids? Say i cycle steroids once a year, can i maintain a fair amount of my mass, body building naturally? How much generally would it cost me for "everything" i need for a proper cycle?

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by haulinbass View Post
    I have a year and a half of natural lifting experience under my belt. 90% of that time frame i was doing splits, the last 10% i have been doing heavy, full body compound routines. Which from my understanding is a good thing because that type of lifting better prepares my joints and tendons for steroid usage. I'm currently 23 years old, weight 190lbs, 6ft, about 15% body fat. My diet is spot on and i have a very vast knowledge of muscle building. If your diet was spot on you would be carrying more than 161lbs of LBM and you would be less than 15% BF. You should post it in the diet section for review. I am betting it can be improved. That will benefit you regardless if you go the AAS route or not.

    I have done hours of reading about steroids on this site. Although im not 100% sure if steroid usage is going to be for me. Obviously before doing steroids i would have to spend a great deal of time educating myself on the subject. Which would be kind of pointless if i don't end up using them. So i was wondering if you guys could answer enough basic questions and give me a quick run down on the subject before i decide if i want to further invest my time.

    By no means do i want to look like a body builder. I want to be big but not that big. My ideal goals are about 200-205 pounds at about 10% body fat. You will need to add 20lbs of muscle and lose 10lbs of fat from your current condition to achieve this. It's very doable naturally but that would be a good 3-5 year goal.Would steroids not be ideal for this? Also how often would i have to cycle steroids? Say i cycle steroids once a year, can i maintain a fair amount of my mass, body building naturally? How much generally would it cost me for "everything" i need for a proper cycle?Price talk is not allowed.

    Thanks guys!
    Spend some time reading in all the sub forums and I am sure most of your answers can be found there as well.

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