you guys think 1-2iu's per day is worth it? looking more for the spot reducing part of hgh, so would that dose be good enough atleast for that benefit?
you guys think 1-2iu's per day is worth it? looking more for the spot reducing part of hgh, so would that dose be good enough atleast for that benefit?
not worth it mate no.....................
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dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........
Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:
sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....
diet + AAS will bring better results with less money.
I believe 2 ui might be of benefit . Some people start experiencing sides at low doses .
Yes diet and cardio are cheapest way .
HGH is so powerful that people need to start at 1 or 2 ui /day . Then adjust 1 or 1/2 ui /day until they have sides . ( joint pain , swelling , unwell being and etc ) Or met optimal desired dose .
If a body builder needs 6 to 8 ui daily to build new muscle , Then 2 ui is not a unreasonable dose to reduce body fat and improve some skin elasticity or slow aging process depending on age .
I will be introducing HGH into HRT next month and I will be extremely disappointed if expectations aren't even close to what I believe .
I have been reading anything I can find for about 2 years . I even purchased a HGH spray in which I thought made me feel better .
def a waste. blue rain i believe that is because you are a woman.
A waste of MONEY yah probably if you were going to stay the whole length of it at that dose..I am so super sensitive to GH I was stagnant (and getting results/sides at 2iu's for about 2mon. I am now up to 4iu's and LOVING it .. but while I was on 2iu's ED (14iu's per week) I managed to heal from a surgery *quicker than my surgeon has seen in his 10 years of practice as an Orthopedic surgeon.. * I managed to retain every ounce of Muscle combined with a strict diet that I had accumulated before the surgery (meaning my weight didn't go up.. my bf% didn't go up.. so my lean tissue stayed the same.. MIND YOU I DIDN'T STEP FOOT IN A GYM For 7 weeks straight... COMPLETELY NO ACTIVITY *Aside from my 3 physical therapy sessions ew*
ALL This I attribute to GH... and at only a mere 2-2.5iu's per DAY !!
So as far as being productive at that dose.. no.. not likely.. but... from my experience.. 2iu's isn't just a 100% waste.. if you are going to spend the money on it. Bump it to 4-6iu's per day.. or even if you want some MUSCLE.. 8-10iu's ** after you have safely ramped up of course**
But make sure YOU are in it for the Long Haul. ME, I don't see any reason why I would ever have to come off GH... As I grow older probably reduce it to a therapeutic level.. but during my BODYBUILDING Career it {as well as many other things} is a necessity...
I do 2 iu/day.
I think it's beneficial for me because I am over 50. I'm just trying to hang on right now, I'd be doing 4+ if I were trying to get bigger.
I really think that HGH is helpful for my health... I just want to be 20 again... LOL
same here and i am 24 lol
complete waste, Way too much $$$ for the little benefits of fat loss, probably so little you'll hardly notice it. My advice, go with IGF-1 instead, 6 wks on/6 off. Cheaper, hits you faster, can cycle on/off in shorter time frames
Would the dosage OP mentioned (1-2IUs ED) be at least an effective anti aging dose for long term usage?
If youre talking generic yes thats a waste HG is a different story.
I'm sorry I love hgh, I ran 6 months of red tops back last spring and summer, starting at 2 ius and going up to 4iu 6 days on 1 off and I loved the results I stayed super lean all summer and let's just say I wasn't eating clean at all, does work better with test and I wouldn't recommend doing it without it,
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