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Thread: cycle critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    cycle critique

    would appreciate cycle critique guys for my hamster,
    hamster is 265 lbs, 38 yo, 17% bf, lifted 20 years, 6 -7 meals daily around 4500 calories total, 8th cycle

    AM; cjc 1295 40 mcg, ghrp6 40 mcg
    pre workout 10 units reg slin, 20 grams waxy maize
    post workout 20 grams waxy maize, 4 iu gh
    20 min post wrkout 30 grams whey protein
    45 min post whole foods meal/ 40/40/20 800-1000 calories

    wk 1-4 mdrol 20-30 mg
    wk 1-16 test enanthate 900 mg
    wk 1-8 deca 300 mg
    wk 9-16 tren enanthate 200 mg

    pct hcg, tamoxifin, letro, exemestane, vit e for 4 weeks

    my first time with tren, I understand it's risky w a long acting esther
    would you guys recommend running hcg straight through?
    would you guys recomend caber, bromo, or prami..and if so when

    any helpful responses are appreciated, thanks

  2. #2
    Your peptide scheduling looks fine. why are you shooting 4iu of GH post workout though? IMO those dosage should be split up throughout the day. (IE) 2iu in the morning; and 2iu post workout..

    Regarding the cycle... lol, I'm liking the PH kick-start; that should be fun. Superdrol is one hell of a compound. Your deca schedule is odd... and the tren too; especially for the ester. IMO this is how it needs to be altered...:

    wk 1-16 test enanthate 900 mg
    wk 1-11 NPP @ 50mg ED
    wk 12-18 tren-ace @ 50mg ED

    Your dosages are all weird and timing. Deca has one of the longest esters attached to it and IMO needs to be run for 12 - 14 weeks minimum. Therefore, I would opt to swap it for NPP (fast acting deca.); nevertheless, you could make quality gains off 11 weeks of deca. Moreover, your tren dosage is too low; and IMO too short a cycle. 7 weeks w/ the Tren-E ester just isn't acceptable. Moreover 200mg is quite low... IMO 350mg is a good place to start off for tren...

    Hopefully you can handle ED cycles... you've done 8 right? what did they consist of.. and dosages??

    HCG should be run weeks 1 - 18 @ 500iu every 5th day.. or 250iu every 3rd day.

    You can opt to run caber from the beginning of the cycle... but IMO I wouldn't use a dopamine agonist unless necessary... so I would just pick up caber or bromo and keep it on hand incase prolactin related gyno should occur...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    thanks bro for the critique
    -I've read that gh post wkout helps to optimize nutrient shuttling and intake with slin, peps in AM and PM pick up the slack. I feel a difference and pack on weight quicker providing I eat right.
    -My hamster has run test e/c cycles 500-1000 mg 12-20 weeks w 300-400 mg deca w dbol, var, mdrol kickstarts.
    -After reading your post I think you are right about short duration long esther cycling. Would you advise tren e 1-16 with deca 1-16 or ditch the deca and just run the tren e on top of the test?

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