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Thread: Gyno question for on cycle AI use (Please Help)

  1. #1

    Gyno question for on cycle AI use (Please Help)

    Hi all,

    Alright heres my deal. I am going to begin a Dbol/Sust/Eq cycle on the first of March and I still need to workout some bugs concerning my on cycle AI. This will be my second cycle in a year and I still have some pre-existing gyno that I have had since my mid teens. So I am guessing that I would fall into the Gyno pnone category.

    My first cycle was an EQ/Winny only without any AI and clomid pct and I had no probs. So on to my question. My Sustanon 250 comes pre-dosed with .5mg of Adex per ml. I will be shooting 1ml E3d so I will be then taking .5 of Adex e3d. That dosage I cant really manipulate too much cause of the pre mix(And yes the gear is legit UGL in my area with a long track record). Will that be enough to ward off the gyno?

    I was thinking about running 10mg ed of Nolva from the get go but I have read mixed reviews on using both Adex and nolva at the same time. Due to the pre-existing condition from my teens I am very concerned about a flare up and want to take every pre-caution during my cycle. I know there is the option of getting more Adex and adding in a little more or just having my nolva on hand and see how it goes.

    I guess I just need a little direction here from the vets. I have read too much shit and my heads spinning.

  2. #2
    Bump Anyone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    if your looking for a good ai to use on cycle give exemestane a try, works great

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