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Thread: Masteron=OUT...Hows This Look?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Masteron=OUT...Hows This Look?

    For the experts....


    5th Cycle(Used Gear...Prop,Tren,Winn)

    Prop 400mg/EOD wk1-12
    Tren 400mg/EOD wk1-6
    Var 75mg/Day wk7-12(or even longer)

    Nolva & Clomid for PCT..Do You Think HCG is needed?

    *I wanted to run Prop & Mast for 12 weeks with Var on last 6 weeks but my supplier doesnt have Mast. Im pretty bummed out because I know it would give me different results(good) that my usual Tren/Winn would give me. DO YOU THINK THIS IS A GOOD BACK UP TO Mast?

    **I have ran Tren for a full 12 weeks before but felt that the gains stopped around week 6-8 so this go around I figure I would cut it out at week 6 then jump on Var for a killler finished.

    GOAL: Lean Mass and go up about 10-15lbs, no water weights..all solid muscle dropping BF%! I currently do 30min cardio 5 days week, I want to cut that down to 3-4 days a week for more gains.

    Let me know what you think peeps,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Squating at the Curl Rack
    The prop should be fine at EOD, but rather shoot ED for stable blood levels, and better gains. Also which tren is it? Ace? If so i would switch up to ED, again for less sides and better gains. And my final suggestion, for a low dose of var like that i would increase it to 8 weeks, or run 100mg for 6 weeks. Trust me you'll see much better strength gains.

    But Honestly 400mg of gear EOD, thats around 1200mg each EW, which is a total of 2400mg of steroids. That's A hell of a lot of gear!.

    Whats the reason for this?

    I would deff run HCG for that high of a cycle, but i wouldn't recommend it in the first place.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    400mg of both tren and prop eod...thats a 8ml shot! F THAT!! besides tren @ crazy? also lower then test and let the tren do the work.

    Test p 50-75 ed
    Tren A 75-100 ed
    Anavar 100 ed

    ^^^^there those are solid doses

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    400mg of both tren and prop eod...thats a 8ml shot! F THAT!! besides tren @ crazy? also lower then test and let the tren do the work.

    Test p 50-75 ed
    Tren A 75-100 ed
    Anavar 100 ed

    ^^^^there those are solid doses
    I would love to run something like that, looks like a solid cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    I would love to run something like that, looks like a solid cycle.
    oh i know, idk about the var though...kind of want to do halo with test/tren

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    ya but i have read its hit or miss for some people. I dont know how that can be possible but its just what i have read. Maybe its bad shit?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    ya but i have read its hit or miss for some people. I dont know how that can be possible but its just what i have read. Maybe its bad shit?
    yea idk, iv heard the powder is hard to come by (the real stuff) so maybe people have been getting some other powder..thats atleast what iv heard, probably just do test/tren/masteron

    test p 50mg ed
    masteron 50mg ed
    tren ace 75mg ed

    anyways to the OP def. cut down your test/tren doses and up the var to 100mg, IMO for as expensive as var is and how your running tren, might as well save your money and get more tren or look into another compound

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    The prop should be fine at EOD, but rather shoot ED for stable blood levels, and better gains. Also which tren is it? Ace? If so i would switch up to ED, again for less sides and better gains. And my final suggestion, for a low dose of var like that i would increase it to 8 weeks, or run 100mg for 6 weeks. Trust me you'll see much better strength gains.

    But Honestly 400mg of gear EOD, thats around 1200mg each EW, which is a total of 2400mg of steroids. That's A hell of a lot of gear!.

    Whats the reason for this?

    I would deff run HCG for that high of a cycle, but i wouldn't recommend it in the first place.
    Sorry brotha, I was meaning to type 100mg EOD, 400mg a Week.

    Thanks for your input!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    400mg of both tren and prop eod...thats a 8ml shot! F THAT!! besides tren @ crazy? also lower then test and let the tren do the work.

    Test p 50-75 ed
    Tren A 75-100 ed
    Anavar 100 ed

    ^^^^there those are solid doses
    Ive always ran the Test/Tren EOD. I"ll have to try ED, maybe combine compounds in one pin. But last time I did that hurt like a MUTHA..but I think it was because it was prop/tren/winn all in one...OUCH!!!!

    The break down looks nice though, Thanks!

    Do you think thats a good idea to run tren 6 weeks then Var 6 weeks back-to-back. I love results with Tren but dislike the sides being im a cardio maniac, thats why I wanted to sub it with Mast but thats down the drain unless I come up on it through another source.

    *You say Halo instead of Var, whats the difference in results and sides? Im gonna have to read up on Halo.

    Is Mast that hard to get ahold of, Ive read up that its a newer compound that most people mix up themselfs. My goal is to get my hands on that stuff!

    Thanks for your response Bra!
    Last edited by RODDAWG; 02-05-2010 at 11:01 AM.

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