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I am the guy with the dragon tattoo with hat on , so my question is I went from 6ft 2 and 330 pounds all fat to 220 pounds but I strait cardio and just worked out but I feel week I dont know how to work out, and I feel week and after getting all the old lady dramma gone I can start dieting again and I need to get to my diet again as I feel the food addictions coming back. Before I was driven and food hunger never was an issue but now I want to kick the hunger and get to building size should I hire a trainer or read a book, I work out at golds but from being fat I still feel insecure working out with a ton of people. I am pretty weak so my weight is not very much for me my comfort on dumbels is 30 pounds and I tire quick, I fear i spent so much time fat my muscles are weak, I was told before I start test or anything I should go to my own body failure but I feel embarrassed and truly I need a way to know how to work out
all advice is welcome