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Thread: First Cycle With Diet - Please advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    First Cycle With Diet - Please advise

    Hello All,

    I am new to posting on the boards here but have read many posts over the past few years, really a great site to get educated on.

    I am 28 years old, 5'9" 162 lbs 13% body fat. I have been truly training since i was 23. My ultimate goal is to add about 7-10 lbs of lean mass while cutting body fat in order for abs to show.

    I'm pretty educated about diet and nutriotion thanks to alot of posts i've read on these boards. I am about to do my first cycle of steroids. I know test should be the basis of any cycle however i have a different goal i'd like to achieve. I know some of you will reply with do test and i understand however after reading about the results people have had with VAR and Creatine i've choosen to go this route (hope i dont get flamed to bad)

    I plan on running Var for 10 - 12 weeks at 70mg ED while taking creatine. I have copied my current diet.

    My workout is pretty set, i do a 45 min session of cardio in the AM on an empty stomach and i work out midafternoon. Please take a look at my diet and let me know if i should tweak anything or if you have any other suggestions.

    6:30 – 7:30 A.M – Insanity Cardio (High Intense Cardio) Workout

    7:30 A.M – Protein Shake With ½ cup Oats and 1 scoop whey protein –

    Calories -317 Carbs- 42.5 Protein – 25 Fats - 0

    9:30 A.M. – 1 Whole Eggs, 3 Egg Whites, Slice of Non Fat Cheese, ½ Whole Grain Bun, ½ Orange. TBSP Olive Oil

    Calories - 351 Carbs - 17 Protein - 25 Fats - 9

    11:30 A.M (Pre workout meal) – 6 oz burger (93% lean beef), Slice of No Fat Cheese 1 Whole Grain Bun ½ Sweet Potatoe

    12:30-1:30 – Lifting Session

    1:30 PM – Protein Shake With ½ cup Oats and 1 scoop whey protein –

    Calories -317 Carbs- 42.5 Protein – 25 Fats - 0

    2:30 P.M - 6oz Turkey Burger, Whole Wheat Bun, No Fat Cheese, ½ Sweet Potatoe

    Calories – 362. Protein – 57. Carbs – 34. fats -

    4:30 P.M. – 1 Whole Eggs, 3 Egg Whites, Slice of Non Fat Cheese, ½ Whole Grain Bun, ½ Orange. TBSP Olive Oil

    Calories - 351 Carbs - 17 Protein - 25 Fats - 9

    6:30 P.M – 6 Oz Grilled Chicken, TSBP of Olive Oil, 1/3 Cup Rice, Broccoli

    Calories - 405 Carbs - 21 Protein - 34 Fats - 14

    Almost a 40/40/20 split

    Total Calories – 2,540
    Total Protein – 212 Ideal is 200
    Total Carbs – 208 Ideal is 200
    Total Fat - 64 Ideal is 100

    Any adjustments you would make to to my diet please advise or if you would up the VAR Dosage please advise. Thanks for your help it is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Your liver may not like you much at all! Get some liver support in that cycle. Diet looks ok to me. Depending on who you talk to you may want to run some higher GI carbs in your pre work out meal and complex carbs in your post work out (seems to be the new standard) Personally I do it the other way around (complex 1.5 hours pre work out and simple carbs directly after.)

    Another suggestion...Run a test only cycle. Just my opinion.

    Or even a primo cycle at 500mg/week...At least then your not killing your liver.

    Also get some PCT stuff which ever way you go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    IMHO, 70 mg of var right off the bat seems a bit high and 12 weeks seems a bit long. Maybe try 40mg to start and go up from there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I seek Immortality
    ye your liver will be raped by a 12 week cycle at that dose

  5. #5
    does test-e require no liver support throughout during the cycle?

    what about PCT with nolva, is liver support required then?

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