Okay kind of a newbie here so go easy on me
I've been working out for over 2 years had to stop for 3-4 months because i over trained (two a day) and my shoulder dislocated in my sleep (it was previously dislocated because of basketball). When i had to stop training I gained everything i lost in 8 months even though i was on a low carb high protein diet eating 5-8 small meals a day (bad genetics?). Stats before i started training were 6'0 330 pounds bf% 34, after the two years before my shoulder i got to 6'1 220 pounds bf% 15-16 after shoulder its 6'1 240 bf% 20-21. And I'm not gonna go through another 8 months of hard work cause honestly i just don't have it in me. And I'm 19, i know its young but I'm tired of working so much and getting almost nothing in return.
So i researched and researched got to the regular cutting cycle, Tren/Test prop/Winny ... I know the doses and i know when to take what each week i just don't know how long the cycle should last week wise for each one ...