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Thread: Canadian custom question.

  1. #1

    Canadian custom question.

    Ive looked through many other posts but havent found one that quite answers my question yet. I ordered some gear from overseas. The shipper split the package into two smaller packages, both containing equal amounts of the same thing. They were shipped about a week apart from one another. I was given tracking numbers for both of them. The first package arived in canada. For about two weeks now when I enter the tracking number into canada post it says it has arived in canada but is waiting to be inspected by customs. the second package containing the exact same thing made it to canada, than had the same statement posted when i tracked it. But than 48 hrs later was released and i got it. So what is going on with the first one? if it were seized or destroyed would this come up when entering the tracking number? Or will it just say waiting to be reviewed by customs forever even though its gone. Ive hurd of packages beeing held for 3 weeks at customs before beeing released, is this true? is this package a lost cause, or is there a chance it will make it through?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    same thing happened to me bro. got 2 packages sent,1 made it,1 didnt. now the re-ship of the one that didnt make it isnt making it either lol

    im pretty sure yours is siezed. i got a seizure letter bout 5-6 weeks after package was supposed to be here

    just find a domestic source bro,canadian customs is way too tight. it aint worth getting half or less of your packages even if it is cheaper from overseas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Yupp I agree it is seized I orderd twice also and neither made it all it did was stay at customs when I tracked it. I never ever have gotten a seizure letter either.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    can u guys edit ur posts?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    edit what?

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