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Thread: LG Trifecta Stack?

  1. #1

    LG Trifecta Stack?

    Sorry if this is the wrong section to ask this!

    I have this stack coming in the mail tomorrow (hopefully). I got a real good deal on it from a friend... I have never touched any anabolics or ph's, so this is new territory for me.

    Here's what you get with it:

    1/135 cap Methyl 1-D XL,
    1/135 tab Methyl Masterdrol XL,
    1/90 cap Formadrol Extreme XL
    (I also got a free T-911 bottle!)

    I just wanted to check and see what anyone here thinks of it. Is the PCT enough? That's my main concern since it's my first go-round. Any help would be appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The mildest prohormone on the market. People use the shit out of that stuff at Go there and read about it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Killing Zombies
    I tried the methyl 1d. It'll give you some water retention at first, mostly bc you'll wanna drink a lot of extra water on it. I didn't gain or lose any weight, but I did get a very nice strength boost from it(which I was very suprised by). The strength all lasted after so I don't want to bash it. Id equate it effects to strong creatine????for lack of a better description.

    If you take it for what it extremely mild boost, then its 10/10
    If you're a fanboy who believe its the most potent stack since eating raw tiger nuts, then you will be disappointed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    The mildest prohormone on the market. People use the shit out of that stuff at Go there and read about it
    like the new avi

    yeah there pretty mild ph's

    sounds like a waste of time, a good diet would treat you better

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