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Thread: Advice

  1. #1


    Right now Im sitting at:

    29 Years old
    14% BF

    I mostly did a lot of endurance (jogging) to loose 80LBS over the past 6 months. Over the last month and a half Ive been doing the Gym (hour to two hours but usually just a little over an hour).

    I have my weight in a good spot, not fat (anymore). Id like to add muscle mass, not a boat load of it.

    Reading the forums I notice a lot of good information on anavar, seems to be less toxic, good strength gains etc

    What else would help me get to a medium build? or what would be a good cycle, and possibly a good diet for mass/tone

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    Diet first. You have only been training for over a month? Turn that into years and then worry about AAS.

    You need to try and reach your max natural gains before starting any steroids, and that is going to take some time and work on your part.

    Check out our diet section to get started and then continue training and reading up on here.

  3. #3
    Gym = Hard Work out but I was working out at home

    I just dont seem to gain or tone hence why I was asking (Actually not at all), my moms side of the family is made up of short dwarve like people (Short, fat and yes beards) my dads side is made up of very tall (Im the shortest Male on my dads side).

    Im thinking genetics is against me, either Im a fatty or a skinny :P

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