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Thread: Small bumps on and surrounding nipples. Gyno?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    BC, Canada

    Small bumps on and surrounding nipples. Gyno?

    I am currently 7 weeks into cycle Test E/Deca and have just noticed acouple days ago little bumps on my nipples and surrounding. I have Nolva on hand but no AIs. I did not experience this on my first cycle at all so I dont know what to do. Should I run a low dose of nolva will this help? If so how much and for how long? Any help is greatly appreciated. Other then the bumps my cycle has been problem free.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    They're called Montgomery Glands... they are normal. You will notice them on female nipples more than you will on men because they are almost always big on women. They might be coming out because your nipple is getting bigger (gyno) or your nipple is getting tighter (from more mass gaining in your pecs/ losing fat around the nipple area making skin tighter). If you think your nips are getting bigger I would just order an AI and run it .25mg E3D because it's not that big of a problem. If your chest is just getting bigger, then congrats on you gains and keep up the hard work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    BC, Canada
    Well I can say I have noticed some muscle growth and more definition in my chest. But I cant tell if my nipples have grown or not I guess ill just ride it out and if it seems to get worse Ill try to acquire letro or caber.

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