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Thread: primo winstrol and xanax to minimize panic attacks

  1. #1

    primo winstrol and xanax to minimize panic attacks

    hallo to you all! i want to ask you if its dangerous to mix winstrol primo and xanax. this is going to be my fist cycle. i used to have panic attacks. and i can say that i am now very anxious about that!
    my first cycle its going to be primobolan 400 mg per week
    with winstrol. tabs
    can i handle it?
    do i need protection?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Gotham City
    do you still take xanax on a regular basis?

    Xanax like all benzodiazepines have a strong tenancy for tolerance and dependency if you have been on it for a while. Abrupt withdrawal can bring on serious side effects. I would check with your doctor to see if he thinks you are ok to be off of them. Then he will taper you off to make sure no symptoms arise and your panic attacks do not suddenly come back.

    I also wouldn't advise being on xanax while taking AAS because xanax can be treated like alcohol... it will make you sleepy, unalert, and drowsy. That pretty much why they say to not consume alcohol why taking it because it makes these symptoms 10 times worse. Working out while feeling like this is not exactly what you want when trying to gain on a cycle. So I would say do not take AAS with xanax.

    I just passed this med today, so its funny something would come up about it lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What are your stats?
    training experience

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    xanax I am not sure but I rock about 10 mg of valium several times a week for General Anxiety Disorder. I run about a gram of test and a gram and a half of other substances(usually some combo of tren, masteron, winstrol, proviron and primo on occasion). I do not take prior to working out. I never have a "hangover" effect from it.
    I am still alive and have noticed no conflicting issues.

    but the real question is why not test in your cycle. keep your cycle as is but add 500 mg of sust or test e.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by markos0110 View Post
    hallo to you all! i want to ask you if its dangerous to mix winstrol primo and xanax. this is going to be my fist cycle. i used to have panic attacks. and i can say that i am now very anxious about that!
    my first cycle its going to be primobolan 400 mg per week
    with winstrol. tabs
    can i handle it?
    do i need protection?
    You shouldnt have any problems as long as you dont abuse it.
    Also, just take it when needed if possible.

  6. #6
    I dont take winstrol or xanax, but I take ativan. Its initial use is for anxiety, which works good for me, but I use it also for dizziness and that nagging head fog thing that goes on from time to time.

    Xanax Online
    bars of xanax
    Last edited by marlena; 01-31-2011 at 12:54 PM.

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