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Thread: Stacking advice???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Stacking advice???

    Hey fellas im currently on test+deca in my week 4....Still waiting on the results meanwhile my goal is to put on about 15-20 lbs of muscle...i have a great diet and so far ive gained about 6-8 lbs depending on if ive eaten or not...the best is yet to come, my goal is to gain quality weight...thats why i stay on a clean diet and avoid stuff like DBOL. i posted my cycle history IVe had some bad luck on getting legit gear in the past but i finally have the real stuff.

    with that being said my goal is to put on sculpted mass like this guy im posting a picture of: This is the look im going for.

    So the question is: will test+deca be enough to get this look alone or are there other stacks that i need to consider?

    Cycle history:
    1. 10 week test E cycle- result- 15 lbs
    2. 15 week test E+deca-Bunk Gear
    3. 12 week test E+ deca-Bunk Gear
    4. Test E+deca....... In Progress

    Please take a look and give me your opinions.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	my goal.jpg 
Views:	104 
Size:	13.5 KB 
ID:	106568  
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 04-11-2010 at 08:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Honestly dude, diet can get you that same mass if you do it right. Steroids and a good diet.. easily. How long it will take you to get there will obviously vary from person to person.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Honestly dude, diet can get you that same mass if you do it right. Steroids and a good diet.. easily. How long it will take you to get there will obviously vary from person to person.
    those cuts are very tough to get unless you're naturally sculpted and toned and all you gotta do is put on good weight..honestly thats where your gear comes not expecting to look any less than that by the end of this 12 week cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by brnxbomers View Post
    those cuts are very tough to get unless you're naturally sculpted and toned and all you gotta do is put on good weight..honestly thats where your gear comes not expecting to look any less than that by the end of this 12 week cycle
    Tough for some, but not impossible. Don't underestimate the power a solid diet regimen.

    What are your stats

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ht: 5'.7 1/2"
    Wt: 165 lbs
    Bf: 13 %

    I dont underestimate...but if diet could do it all..who would need steroids? (unless u live and breathe fitness and thats your life- and eat perfectly (down to the micronutrients)- which most of us have lives outside working out- id say its darn near impossible for the average man to look like that naturally) anyway lets stay on topic. Even Arnold Who probably ate perfectly couldnt have done it without gear.
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 04-11-2010 at 09:07 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Alright to answer your original question no I don't feel the need to stack anything else being this is only your second cycle.

    Basic and simple test/deca stack:
    1-14 Test E or C 500mg PW
    1-13 Deca 400mg PW
    PCT begins when half life of steroid is up.

    Got anything to combat prolactin?
    What does your PCT look like?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by brnxbomers View Post
    ht: 5'.7 1/2"
    Wt: 165 lbs
    Bf: 13 %

    I dont underestimate...but if diet could do it all..who would need steroids? (unless u live and breathe fitness and thats your life- and eat perfectly (down to the micronutrients)- which most of us have lives outside working out- id say its darn near impossible for the average man to look like that naturally) anyway lets stay on topic. Even Arnold Who probably ate perfectly couldnt have done it without gear.
    Lol honestly that guy's physique isn't shit compared to some of the nattys that train at my gym. People do steroids to go beyond their natural genetic limits. Well, most of them, def not all.

    Of course arnold would not have maintained his physique without the use of gear. But his goal wasn't to look like some cut model in a magazine, his goal was to maintain his title as mr. olympia and be the best bodybuilder that's ever lived, so yes steroids must be involved in his case.

    Your goals don't necessarily need steroids, but to reach your goals quicker then you'd want, they can help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Alright to answer your original question no I don't feel the need to stack anything else being this is only your second cycle.

    Basic and simple test/deca stack:
    1-14 Test E or C 500mg PW
    1-13 Deca 400mg PW
    PCT begins when half life of steroid is up.

    Got anything to combat prolactin?
    What does your PCT look like?
    PROLACTIN....haha i learned the hard way for this one...on my last cycle my test was bunk so the elevated prolactin f*ed me up...but B6 seems to work fine...As for PCT gonna do clomid+nolvadex the ways its posted under the cycles section of this site and after that use tribulus as well if i feel the need to.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Lol honestly that guy's physique isn't shit compared to some of the nattys that train at my gym. People do steroids to go beyond their natural genetic limits. Well, most of them, def not all.

    Of course arnold would not have maintained his physique without the use of gear. But his goal wasn't to look like some cut model in a magazine, his goal was to maintain his title as mr. olympia and be the best bodybuilder that's ever lived, so yes steroids must be involved in his case.

    Your goals don't necessarily need steroids, but to reach your goals quicker then you'd want, they can help.
    Exactly. u get more bang for your buck.

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