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Thread: Androgel, TRT, beginner needing help starting right.

  1. #1

    Talking Androgel, TRT, beginner needing help starting right.

    Hey peeps,

    I've been wanting to get my physique and mental fortitude up lately, and just haven't been able to get over that hump. I'm 28, in decent shape, and just couldn't get to the next level.
    I went to the Dr. and due to low T I was referred to en endocrinologist. He set me up with Androgel; 1 pack a day; and I felt a SMALL in crease in focus and a little physical effect. I want to up my dose and supplement that with a diet and exercise. Moving to injections has crossed my mind, but I don't know how to communicate that to my Endocrinologist or "ask" for more. I have great insurance and I'm eager to do this right without destroying my body. Any help would be more than appreciated; it'd be a major help in my life right now.


    Last edited by DRN999; 11-27-2010 at 10:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Have you had your bloodwork done before and after TRT treatment? That would be how you/your endo will determine the proper dosing protocol. What exactly is your question?

  3. #3

    Blood work done...

    Yep; I have an endocrinologist that prescribed the Androgel. My levels were around 300. My main goal is find out how to use TRT, diet, and get the most of out my therapy. My first question would be, how can I get the most out of the experience from the beginning? I'm coming up on 3 months on Androgel and I have my follow up appointment in a couple of weeks.

    Another question is, how the gel is going to effect my mood as compared to injections? From the forums, I've gotten that the effects of the injections dip severely towards the end of the term, right before the next shot.

    Maybe I'm asking the wrong questions on the wrong site; I want to see if anyone out there has gone through this and find out the best way to attack it.

    Thanks agin

    Last edited by DRN999; 11-27-2010 at 10:32 PM.

  4. #4

    One more thing...

    I was a little weirded out when I found out my body is not producing what makes me "manly" or to that effect.

    So, another question would be, if I do move on with long term TRT, is my body going to move forward or relapse with the desired effects if I stop the therapy?

    Thanks again!

    Last edited by DRN999; 11-27-2010 at 10:32 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DRN999 View Post
    I was a little weirded out when I found out my body is not producing what makes me "manly" or to that effect.

    So, another question would be, if I do move on with long term TRT, is my body going to move forward or relapse with the desired effects if I stop the therapy?

    Thanks again!

    What is your age?

    Once you start TRT, your body will further shut down and stop producing test. The longer you are on TRT the harder you will be shut down. So, if you stop you may not be able to recover to the level you were at pre TRT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DRN999 View Post
    Yep; I have an endocrinologist that prescribed the Androgel. My levels were around 300. My main goal is find out how to use TRT, diet, and get the most of out my therapy. My first question would be, how can I get the most out of the experience from the beginning? I'm coming up on 3 months on Androgel and I have my follow up appointment in a couple of weeks. You should be getting bloodwork once again after this follow up appointment. The results will determine if you need to move on to injections or not.

    Another question is, how the gel is going to effect my mood as compared to injections? From the forums, I've gotten that the effects of the injections dip severely towards the end of the term, right before the next shot. You will need to find out if the doctor will let you do injections at home or not. If you can do the injections at home.... you can split the dosage up and do two injections per week. This will keep your levels more stable.... If he says you must doit in the office (1injection every 2 weeks) - express your concern regarding your levels dipping every other week.

    Maybe I'm asking the wrong questions on the wrong site; I want to see if anyone out there has gone through this and find out the best way to attack it.

    Thanks agin

    My answers are in bold ^^^^


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    What is your age?

    Once you start TRT, your body will further shut down and stop producing test. The longer you are on TRT the harder you will be shut down. So, if you stop you may not be able to recover to the level you were at pre TRT.

    correct..... once you start TRT.... you're really on it for life. You could TRY to come off ad restore your levels but the longer you are on it.... the more unlikely it will be for normal "natural" levels.....


  8. #8

    Response to Haz

    I'm 28. That really is my main concern. I don't want to blow everything out now while I'm 29 for a handful of years of "feeling better". What do you think?


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