I know the question seems silly, but is it?
I got test base powder in the other day, and was looking at various homebrew recipes. The basic idea with test base powder is to break it down in water (most recipes call for small amounts of BA, BB, and PEG300 along with some heating), but as I understand it, testosterone is water soluable (test no ester- TNE).
So you follow the recipe and melt the stuff into the water, heat it up a bit, filter it (micronization) and put it in a vial. So now we basically have some strength of test suspension (say 75mg/ml). Now I could give myself daily subcutaneous injects with a insulin needle. The cool thing is that there is no ester, so I get 75mg of test with each ml shot. No need to compensate for the molecular weight of the ester chain. Also, now I don't have to use the 1.5 inch needle with the slow oil inject. I like all of these things, and from what I have hear, suspension is very fast acting and quite strong (with strong risk of sides, of course). Basically, you want the test to enter your bloodstream that day and you will need to do another shot the next day to keep the blood levels high.
But thinking back to my partying days, enters the bloodstream via snorting the powder. Takes about 5-15 minutes, but it absorbs through the mucous membranes into your bloodstream. Now lets say I wanted to do 100 mg of testosterone per day. Is there any reason I couldn't just take 1/10 gram of test base powder and snort it? Is there a reason it would not absorb through the mucous membranes? I ask because there are testosterone skin patches, so obviously it will absorb through the skin. Why not the mucous membranes also? Then I never even have to do any mixing or take any shots at all, right? Just do a line of test!!?!
So look past the initial silliness of the question, cause I'm for real. Anyone know of a reason this would not work, or perhaps some health consequence that I have not thought of?
Thanks in advance...