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Thread: 6 months after steroids still with soft erections

  1. #1

    6 months after steroids still with soft erections

    So I want to hear what other people think I should do. Here's what happened, I took sust and tren for 10 weeks then used clomid as a pct. I waited 6 weeks and then foolishly did it again for 9 weeks. I got tren dick in the middle so I decided to get off. I started using clomid immediatly when that happened which might have been a bad move. It was a while ago but I'm fairly sure the half life of the roids didn't die down until I had like 9 days left of clomid. So I tried to wait for my body to heal itself afterwards and it's taken an extremely long time. I went to 3 docs, and got my blood tested twice. The first one I had way too much test still but here are the last stats:

    417 total testosterone Normal 241-827
    FFh FSH? Couldnt hear over phone- 2.6 Normal 1.6-8.0
    LH-2.3 Normal 1.5-9.3
    Prolactin- 5.5 2.0-18.0

    I wish they tested for more hormones like prolactin but unfortunatly they didn't so I'm about to go back and get everything tested.

    Anyways, I know these levels are way below someone who is 21, and I'm really tired of waiting for my body to heal. I've been using animal stak, yohimbe, deer antler, and a couple other natural things. I have clomid sitting right next to me, but I'm not sure if i trust it anymore.

    Anyways, has this ever happened to anyone and what did you do? Or what are the thoughts of what I should do?

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    What do you expect if you don't stick to the basic rules of cycling? cycling without adequate time off can lead to serious issues. If your 21 yrs old and taking these kinds of cycles you can cause even more serious sides, some can even be with you for the rest of your life, by shutting down your own testostrone before your body is fully developed can lead to low test for life, dont take AAS till your around 24yrs old otherwise problems can occur.

    The only way to find out is to go to the doctor and get a full blood panel taken when you havent got any gear inside you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    What do you expect if you don't stick to the basic rules of cycling? cycling without adequate time off can lead to serious issues. If your 21 yrs old and taking these kinds of cycles you can cause even more serious sides, some can even be with you for the rest of your life, by shutting down your own testostrone before your body is fully developed can lead to low test for life, dont take AAS till your around 24yrs old otherwise problems can occur.

    The only way to find out is to go to the doctor and get a full blood panel taken when you havent got any gear inside you.
    Do you mean 24yrs old or am I just misreading this?

  4. #4
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    Yes, Im sure it was a typo, but basically he is just stating that your mid 20's is the earliest you would want to start cycling as there are still major changes happening within your body up until at least that point.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Should make this a sticky for all the kids that'll be coming here fresh out of HS looking to get "pumped n ripped" for summer, brah.

  6. #6
    Ya, I guess it's just a really tough lesson I'm going to have to learn from. So would you not do anything until a complete blood test was examined? I'm caught between the docs telling me to let my body recover and bodybuilders telling me to take more pct

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I would run another pct. Try running nolvadex also.

  8. #8
    im for running another agressive pct...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    I;d go with Tamox for 6 weeks at 20mg/ED.

    40mg/ED first 7 days.

    The get BW done 3-4 weeks later.

    Whats your DHEA and estrogen?

  10. #10
    I'm getting blood work done tomorrow and hopefully the results will come in quickly, it'll be a little over a month since my last blood test. I've been as healthy as possible so if it's still the same or shows just little improvement I think I'll move to clomid.
    For those of you that say redue a pct, can you give me your basis on this? Like have you heard of this happening to someone and they redid a pct and the ED went away? I just really don't want to make it any worse since I've been trying to fix things naturally for 5 1/2 months

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006
    well if your still shut down you would want to run another pct, make sure you have all you chems and stick with it. Some people do run longer pct's if they are still shut down.

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