Hi all,
I guess I will start with my stats. I am 6'6'' and weigh about 310lbs. My bf is 19.9%. It was done was calipers by my trainer at my school. I play football in college and am entering into my senior year. I am 22 years old and have been looking to start a cycle of Hdrol. My goal is to put on muscle mass and lose some weight in the process. The goal for me is to put on as much muscle mass as possible. I am dieting as well currently. I hope to shed some pounds.
As i said I'm looking to start a cycle of Hdrol. I have an idea about my cycle and I would like to have you guys look it over and check it out. I am open to ideas as well about what you all have to say.
For my cycle I am starting this week. For the first two weeks, I am doing a loading cycle of Milk Thistle and Fish Oil. During this time I am also taking protein and creatine as well. I am still lifitng and running through this time.
For weeks 3 to 6 I will be starting the PH. I plan to do a cycle like this, 50/50/50/75/75/75. I am also going to start taking a cycle assist at the 3rd week through as well. I will be taking the fish oil and MT as well.
During this time, I figured I would try to take at 1.5 times my body weight in grams of protein. I'm figuring on eating most of the protein in food, but i am going to have to some of it in protein supplements. I am stuck as to how to get this much protein in all in one day. It seems almost impossible. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
For the last two weeks, I am going to take Clomid as my PCT along with the MT, Fish oil. Is there anything that I should be taking during this time of my cycle?
I am new to using a PH, but I am going to use it. I have been lifting for years and I want my senior year to go smoothly. I want to be the best and be in the best shape. I need help and thats why i have come here. Anything you guys could help me with would be greatly appreciated.
I will post Pictures later this week when I figure out how to work this digital camera.