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Thread: I could use some help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central PA

    I could use some help

    Hi all,

    I guess I will start with my stats. I am 6'6'' and weigh about 310lbs. My bf is 19.9%. It was done was calipers by my trainer at my school. I play football in college and am entering into my senior year. I am 22 years old and have been looking to start a cycle of Hdrol. My goal is to put on muscle mass and lose some weight in the process. The goal for me is to put on as much muscle mass as possible. I am dieting as well currently. I hope to shed some pounds.

    As i said I'm looking to start a cycle of Hdrol. I have an idea about my cycle and I would like to have you guys look it over and check it out. I am open to ideas as well about what you all have to say.

    For my cycle I am starting this week. For the first two weeks, I am doing a loading cycle of Milk Thistle and Fish Oil. During this time I am also taking protein and creatine as well. I am still lifitng and running through this time.

    For weeks 3 to 6 I will be starting the PH. I plan to do a cycle like this, 50/50/50/75/75/75. I am also going to start taking a cycle assist at the 3rd week through as well. I will be taking the fish oil and MT as well.

    During this time, I figured I would try to take at 1.5 times my body weight in grams of protein. I'm figuring on eating most of the protein in food, but i am going to have to some of it in protein supplements. I am stuck as to how to get this much protein in all in one day. It seems almost impossible. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

    For the last two weeks, I am going to take Clomid as my PCT along with the MT, Fish oil. Is there anything that I should be taking during this time of my cycle?

    I am new to using a PH, but I am going to use it. I have been lifting for years and I want my senior year to go smoothly. I want to be the best and be in the best shape. I need help and thats why i have come here. Anything you guys could help me with would be greatly appreciated.

    I will post Pictures later this week when I figure out how to work this digital camera.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Good luck....

    Kick some ass on the Gridiron!
    Last edited by sean_holland; 06-15-2010 at 02:45 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    i think 22 is to young man.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central PA
    Yea i hope i beat some ass. Well how old are ya thinking im gonna need to be? Honestly i just wanna be the best i can be. Bjpenn, do you think i will have negative side effects later in life? I'm not being dick, I am just very curious.

    Thanks for the comments guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Is there anyway you would be drug tested for football? If you do, you may fail because your hormones are going to be out of wack.

    If your set on taking it, make sure you get your diet and training spot on. Diet will be one of the biggest things that makes or breaks you here. Also, since your in college, do NOT drink while on the hdrol. This will put alot of stress on your liver. Are you going to get bloodwork during or after the cycle to check your levels at all? Listen to your body, if something feels wrong, it probably is. You have plenty of time for cycles, no need to hurt your body now.

    Looking at your cycle, you may consider bumping to 100mg towards the end just because your a big dude, but it depends on how your body is reacting towards 75. Also, you should preload the cycle assist for 2 weeks before the hdrol as well, then take it throughout the cycle.

    Negative effects really will depend on how your PCT is, how your body takes the chemical, and whether you are totally ready for it. I'm not sure if HDrol has the same effect as AAS on the growth plates or not, but you should read some of the things about that.

    Also, I'm curious as to why you chose Clomid over Nolva for PCT with Hdrol?
    Last edited by Apanda; 06-16-2010 at 12:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central PA
    alright, with football i will be gettin drug tested but by then i will be off the stuff for a few weeks so im not worried on that front. Even then, i willl know about a drug test a few days in advance. My diet is where i am worried. I will be posting it on the diet section and having peopel critique it but as of now i'm trying to cut down before i do teh cycle. No i will not be gettin blood work done. I am thinking about it though becuase alot of other members have said something to me about it.

    I dont drink really to begin with so that is kind of a moot point for me. Drinking has never been my thing so thats easy enough.

    After taliking to otehr members, some suggested to start out at 75 for the first 3 weeks n then up the mg to 100mgs. I figure i will see how it feels when i start taking it. I posted this thing a while back and have since changed it a bit. For my PCT i am going to take nolva n clomid. During the cycle since i am so big n have high bf% i will be taking nolva then as well to fight against any sides. I wanna cover all my bases so i figure i would take both

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    So you are taking Nolva throughout the entire cycle, and then nolva + clomid for pct after?

    That would make 8 - 10 weeks on Nolva if so, I'm not sure how healthy that is. It may be fine, I am new as well so I dont know, but you should get opinions on that.

    It's good you dont drink, I just felt I should throw that in there because alot of college students do. Didn't mean to offend you or anything by it.

    You are cutting before the cycle? I thought you started preloading already. Sorry, again just trying to follow along with how you are running it.

    Are you doing PCT for 2 weeks after or 4? The first post said for the last 2 weeks you will do PCT but I'm not sure if you changed that by now. What does your cycle plan look like now after the changes?

    Good luck getting the diet on, I hate keeping track and it's one of the hardest points for me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central PA
    Yea i'm not mad or anything. Its pretty damn hard to offend me haha. I'm not gonig to be taking the Nolva everyday, i might just hold off on it until i see any type of sides. I'm pretty sure its fine, i never really researched it, but i will only be taking like 5mg or something, i gotta look at my notes in my notebook. But its not gonna be the same amount for the end.

    I started loading before on Monday and I was cutting for the last 3 weeks before this. I dropped down 18lbs or so, nnot sure what is water weight n what isnt. There is nothing to do where i live except lift, work, run, and do about nothing. It sucks here.

    I will be doing a 2 week pct cycle cuz hdrol is not very hard at all. If i dont feel my balls coming back, i guess i will be doing another 2 weeks to it after the first two.

    Its my first cycle, but i really have done alot of research. At my job, there is not much for me to do, so all i do is sit here n research stuff.

    Dieting isnt too bad. The biggest problem i have is tryin not to be bored cuz thats wehn i seem to eat alot. So, as long as i keep myself busy, then we are good.

    Whats your stats? You plannin on doin a cycle

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I actually looked through some stuff and noticed that for Test cycles people do run nolva the entire time. I just haven't heard of it for Hdrol yet. 18lbs is good man. The good thing is at least you have somewhere to lift and run huh?

    Yea, alot of people say it's mild, some say it should still be considered potent because of the chemical makeup of it is similar to other stronger compounds. Nolva comes in a big bottle so 4 weeks wont hurt, besides the taste haha. (If liquid Nolva)

    Luckily for me my diet consists of anything I want. I wrestled for over 18 years and have cut weight for at least 12 years of it. My years in college I would lose about 25lbs each week, then gain it after weigh ins in 2 days, then lose it again the next week. It sucked but I couldn't stay that low all the time. But from always wrestling my metabolism is sky high and I can eat almost anything and never gain weight. As long as it's clean I can eat like a horse. I find if I am eating excessively I can play video games or take my son out for a walk or to play in the park and I dont think of food.

    165 - 170lb (depending on how much water I have in the gym that day)
    BF probably 10% or under. I was at 6% when I wrestled.

    I went from 133 to my current weight in the past year and a half. At first it was alot of water and fat because of cutting weight and then just gaining again. Then I really decided to eat clean and workout hard. I run 5k's and stuff like that sometimes as well. Now i'm around this weight and back to probably 10%BF which I feel great at.

    I have Hdrol, I was thinking about running it solo, but also have been thinking about trying to use it as a kickstart to Test E, since Test is actually not as horrible for you as I thought. But seeing as it doesn't kick in for a couple weeks like test E it might be pointless, or I would have to run it before or something. I just want to try Test E and not wait for 18 weeks for the cycle, pct, and time off. But it's about patience anyway so well see.
    Last edited by Apanda; 06-17-2010 at 11:27 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central PA
    The reason i might run it for Hdrol is cuz my bf% is pretty high. I dont wanna take any chances of gettin any gyno sides cuz that might ruin my day. The nolva i'm gettin is goin to be enough to run for my pct plus if i wanted to run it during cycle. Hdrol is a very mild ph so its just for safety i guess.

    Another product i have researched is nasty mass. Now that is like two ph's in one. It puts on a lot more mass a lot quicker so thats a definite possibility i am thinkin of doing. I start my cycle in a few weeks so, i'm not sure exactly what it is i wanna do. I'm goin to have to make my mind up soon

    I feel ya about wrestling. I used to wrestle in high school. i was heavy weight so i didnt have to worry about weight, but i found i could damn near eat anythign when i was wrestling and not gain weight. it was great. I would love to get back into it again sometime, like do roman greco wrestling or even mma stuff. I miss the high intensity workout where ya get to beat the ever lovin sh** outta another guy.

    As long as i'm doin something i'm fine, but the second i go ot my parents house, its all over. I dont keep much at my house now cuz i would be grazing all the time. So i have food that is like inconvienent to make. that way its almost not worth the effort. Idk, it works for me right up until my roommate gets double stuf oreoes.

    Yea I was lookin at possibly taking some Test, but i cannot find it around where i'm at. I dont wanna go up and ask some meat heads cuz then they'd think im a cop, but its a definite possibility. But at the same token, i wanna wait a few years til i actulaly take something strong.

    I know the feeling, I want results right now, n its tempting to go out and find some dbol or tren and have at it. I guess ya gotta crawl before ya can walk

    Congrats man. Running 5ks is nuts. If you like all that you oughta check out triathalons. ya know the biking running n swimming. I always thought that would be kinda cool to do

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Never heard of nasty mass. I dont know if I'd want to run a double PH cycle first, could get dangerous. At least with test I would know what to expect and all that.

    Yea i still do some MMA stuff. My friend runs a gym and does MMA and just signed a pro deal for some company. Pretty fun stuff if you know what your doin.

    5K's aren't too bad. I've done an 8K, even a 10K is only like 6.5 miles. I used to run that in a rubber suit to lose weight. My wife does triathalons and is running a marathon soon. I think it would be fun, but I am terrible at swimming. I run and bike to train with her. Once it comes to swimming I am a no go. haha

    Keep us/me up to date on when you start your cycle and how it's going.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Central PA
    The nasty mass one metylated ph and one non metylated ph. Thats what all the research points to. Afte work I'm going to a place where a guyknows literally everything about the shit. So i figure he will enlighten me then.

    A gym has been open near me for a while that i might go to. A buddy of mine started training there n now he is real hardcore into the ufc mma stage. He has a fight coming up soon in atlantic city.

    I like the idea of triathalons except the running. I love to swim n riding a bike is fun as long as i find one big enough, but the running, kills the knees.

    Soon, when i figure out how to work my digital camera, i will post some pics. That way i can log the progress of what i'm goin to be taking. I think i will be the first to do either one so i'm pretty excited. Let me know how the Test goes for ya. keep me updated.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Still debatin on the test...I really dont want some bunk stuff and would need to find a good source. i would much rather just homebrew it if I could find the powder, i think it would be pretty fun. Not to mention cheaper.
    Last edited by Apanda; 06-17-2010 at 12:52 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Central PA
    Yea i agree with ya. I have an idea of what to do, but never seen it in person. Yea, just gotta find a good source. Brewing would be so much better, and i agree, it would be some fun.

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