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Thread: What to do?

  1. #1

    What to do?

    Hi Ya'll! first of all, I'll just say sorry for my bad english / grammar, I'm not an american, I'm from Norway.
    Well, here it goes;

    I've been working out with weights since I was 16 years old, I'm currently 19 years old. I'm 198lbs and 184cm tall. I'm not sure of my BF.

    my best lifts are:
    Benchpress: 1x254 Lbs
    Deadlift: 1x 352lbs
    Squad: 1x 243 lbs
    millitarypress: 1x 154lbs

    I'm working out 4-5 times a week, only lifting , no Cardio.
    My diet is rather alright, I'm positive I'm getting enough of proteins each day, but I'm unsure how many Kcals I eat per day etc, I eat as much as possible.

    Anyways, I wanna get bigger and more ripped at the same time, anyone got any suggestion for what I can take?

    btw, I've never used any AAS of any kind, as you'll see on the pictures (lol)

    I don't say I'll take it, I just want some kind of advice etc. I'm thinking about Testosterone E.

    gogo reply, cheers : ) THanks for reading.

    Regards Alex.
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  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    in my opinion

    do cardio 5 times a week at least for 45 minutes every time, lift hard, and i mean hard, focus on 6-12 reps also at this point dont worry about doing low intensity cardio, just run, jump rope, stair master, anything that will burn calories, stay at your 1.5g of protein per pound of lean body mass

    not to offend you but you look in the mid 20s% in that last picture and i think you need to gain a lot more before you start a cycle

    on the last note, burning fat AND building muscle isnt impossible but is harder than just doing one or the other, but if thats your goal then by all means stick to it and you will get there.

    remember to stick to a good diet 24/7 and post it in the diet forum, you'd be surprised at how NOT good some people's diets are even though they thought different

  4. #4
    Thinking of cutting, then run a clean Test E for 6 weeks or something. anyways, my BF will decrease after a solid cycle with a good diet, right? and I've also read about people taking ECA stack and T3 for fat burning, does it help alot? does it make you reach ur goal faster? and If I'm going on a diet, I'll be doing Ketolysel diet, aka High prots, NO Karbs and some fat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex2k View Post
    Thinking of cutting, then run a clean Test E for 6 weeks or something. anyways, my BF will decrease after a solid cycle with a good diet, right? and I've also read about people taking ECA stack and T3 for fat burning, does it help alot? does it make you reach ur goal faster? and If I'm going on a diet, I'll be doing Ketolysel diet, aka High prots, NO Karbs and some fat.
    what you gotta understand bro is that no matter what you take it's not a miracle drug, everything will help but it's up to you to maximize it's effects. I've personally tried the Clen + T3 stack and i loved it, never tried the ECA stack but ive heard good things about it.

    Judging by your first statement about doing Test E for 6 weeks i can definitely tell that you are by no means ready for that cycle, Test E takes about 3-5 just to kick in bro. Please do us a favor and go to the diet post and post your diet because i guarantee you we can make a lot of changes to it.

    I think everyone here will agree with me when i say your diet is 80% and the other 20% are suppps, so take it easy, there is plenty of time for AAS, post that diet and we'll go from there bro.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    and i know what a Keto diet is and i dont recommend it, seems to me you're looking for changes over night with as little work as possible and that wont happen, you wanna avoid losing the muscle that you have right now. So i recommend about 1.5 - 2.0g of protein per pound or per every 1/2 a kilo of body weight. Then you wanna have just a little under that in carbs, and i like saying under 70g of fat. It's the way i've been doing it and ive dropped some weight in the past month.

  7. #7
    Yeah I know.

    I'm thinking about:

    Meal: 1 prot shake, Omega 3,6 and 9 and BCAA.
    Meal 2: 100g Chicken and handful of Broccoli.
    Meal 3 pre workout: half a prot shake.
    after Workout: 1 Prot shake and 1 banana.
    Meal 4: 100g Chicken / fish / meat and 50g Broccoli
    meal 5: 8 eggs (2 with the plum, rest with NO plum)

    That's about it, thinking of eating eggs / tuna to breakfast. will do that somedays too.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG View Post
    and i know what a Keto diet is and i dont recommend it, seems to me you're looking for changes over night with as little work as possible and that wont happen, you wanna avoid losing the muscle that you have right now. So i recommend about 1.5 - 2.0g of protein per pound or per every 1/2 a kilo of body weight. Then you wanna have just a little under that in carbs, and i like saying under 70g of fat. It's the way i've been doing it and ive dropped some weight in the past month.

    I won't say that Keto is a "little work as possible" it's a rather extreme diet. but yeah, appriciate the advices, keep em coming! How much Carbs do you suggest per day boDAWG?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    bro....with all do respect, your diet is terrible

    go here

    you have a lot more learning to do bro, good luck

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Agreed with the advise from BoDawg. Sorry this section does not get more views. Try posting the same questions in the QA section.

    DONT cycle, dont do any AAS, at your age it will mess you up. The short term gains are not worth the long term risks.

    Read some of the sticky notes in the Q&A section please and also the link provided for the diet section.

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