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Thread: Jock Itch

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    New York

    Jock Itch

    I thought i got burnt but No. Its Jock itch.. And its fukin driving me crazy :|

    Anyone know what works best for this Crotch Rot of mine?? LOL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Business as usual yeah?
    I rotate like a head and shoulders shampoo and a salycic acid shampoo. Use em on my scalp and cocknballs. If I get any flaking skin I use "Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Aloe" on my face and junk. I like it because it doesn't stain clothes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    I've had it twice, and I went old school. I just took a shower, scrubbed it real good, and poured rubbing alcohol on it.

    Not sure if it's safe, much less doctor recommended, but it worked for me.

    Otherwise, just go buy some stuff at your local Walgreens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Thats an easy one. Want the painless way? Goto the baby section and get that A&D cream. They have a few different kinds - one with the white zinc oxide and the other regular where the paste is kinda yellow in color. Both will work, but the best bet is the regular kind (yellow). Smear it on the offending spots and within a day or 2 (longer if its real bad) your all set. No need for the alcohol torture. I have 4 kids and got desperate one day with it a long time ago and the rest is history.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Phosphor;****344
    Thats an easy one. Want the painless way? Goto the baby section and get that A&D cream. They have a few different kinds - one with the white zinc oxide and the other regular where the paste is kinda yellow in color. Both will work, but the best bet is the regular kind (yellow). Smear it on the offending spots and within a day or 2 (longer if its real bad) your all set. No need for the alcohol torture. I have 4 kids and got desperate one day with it a long time ago and the rest is history.
    Yep. I agree with the above. I get something else. When I go on long rides and forget to wear the nylon instead of the cotton unders, the heat and the sweat and the friction, especially after the second day.... my laws!! So the white zinc oxide, although messy, is a life saver.

  6. #6
    Jock itch for me would not let up. I had to increase my immune system in a method none of you have access to. Check your tongue for a coating. I'm sure you have candida overgrowth. Go to an allergist that offers candida extract shots once per week for a year and this will get your immune system to drive off the yeast. Go on a zero carb diet for 3 months. It is extreme but cream might not take care of your problem as it didn't mine. Get some nystatin in powder form from doc.

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