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Thread: Please critique 4th cycle...

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Please critique 4th cycle...

    Started 2 weeks ago, today makes day 1 of week 3, running the following and wanted to see any thoughts about adjusting doses. Never ran NPP before and only ran Tren A in the past...

    week 1-10 Sust (Test Prop, PP and cyp) EOD @ 600/wk

    Week 1-8 NPP EOD @ 450/wk

    week 1-9 Tren E @ 450/wk

    Ive got Aromasin, Caber and HCG for on cycle...

    Not running PCT, going to cruise on 200/wk Cyp for 4 months following.

    Point of this cycle is to see how I react to NPP and gain around 12lbs while dropping about 2-3% bodyfat by week 10.

    Current stats:
    12ish right now (a little softer than I wanted to be but I'll take care of this quickly)
    3 previous cycles, last was Test @ 250/ tren A @ 350

    thoughts? Slam away if something doesnt seem right.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    You arent running your tren long enough. It is a longer ester therefore it needs to be run longer. Also running 2 19-nor copunds can cause some problems

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    You are going to blow up man. That sounds like a very solid cycle, plenty of mg's and a good variety without over doing it. I think running your tren for 8 or 9 weeks is best, I only run mine for 8 weeks as well. With tren, It seems like your results start to level out after weeks 8-10 anyway, but continuing to have it in your body for longer means that you are still recieving all the toxicity.
    As we all know, Tren is awesome, but it is the harshest thing you can take. So as far as how long you run it, there is no point in running it past 8 or 9 weeks, because you will stop seeing the benefits, but continue to punish your system.

    Just my opinion on the matter

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    You are going to blow up man. That sounds like a very solid cycle, plenty of mg's and a good variety without over doing it. I think running your tren for 8 or 9 weeks is best, I only run mine for 8 weeks as well. With tren, It seems like your results start to level out after weeks 8-10 anyway, but continuing to have it in your body for longer means that you are still recieving all the toxicity.
    As we all know, Tren is awesome, but it is the harshest thing you can take. So as far as how long you run it, there is no point in running it past 8 or 9 weeks, because you will stop seeing the benefits, but continue to punish your system.

    Just my opinion on the matter
    Im assuming you are speaking of tren acetate in which i agree with you. But the OP is running tren enthanate which is a longer ester which means it is usually run for a longer period of time. Results are not noticeable for a longer period of time

  5. #5
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    That is true, I am refering to my personal experience, which is with acetate. I have never run the enthanate.

  6. #6
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    I just went with the averages where the best gains are within weeks 7-10, even though they are still seen to 12 weeks and sometimes beyond (but I guess not recommended with Tren) they are slightly dimminishing... So I capped it @ 9 where the gains will be great and then I can get onto cruising sooner to get into a possible cycle before years end...

    As for 2 19's, lots of people have this debate, I get blood work every 10 days or so and if anything happens to go wrong, I will let everyone know my experiences.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    I just went with the averages where the best gains are within weeks 7-10, even though they are still seen to 12 weeks and sometimes beyond (but I guess not recommended with Tren) they are slightly dimminishing... So I capped it @ 9 where the gains will be great and then I can get onto cruising sooner to get into a possible cycle before years end...

    As for 2 19's, lots of people have this debate, I get blood work every 10 days or so and if anything happens to go wrong, I will let everyone know my experiences.
    With gains being best by those weeks it means you are gaining great amounts all the way until week 11 or more. I think if you really wanted to run it for the shorter period then go with tren ace. You are already shooting eod so that wouldnt be a problem. Also with tren ace you are gonna experience the gains quicker and will have time to make the most gains

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    You arent running your tren long enough. It is a longer ester therefore it needs to be run longer. Also running 2 19-nor copunds can cause some problems
    I agree with not running Tren long enough

    But I disagree with running 2 19-nors causing more problems
    Thats bull.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    If it was me id run NPP either the whole cycle or the last 8 weeks

    that way the Tren, Test and NPP is all kicked in towards the end.

    and you can really make the most out of the synergy between them all

    *i haven read all the previous posts so no idea what others are saying. Just stating what id do.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Since you have already started...... I would probably extend the test to 14 weeks and the tren to 12 to get the most out of this cycle.....


  11. #11
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    ok, I'll extend it out to at least 12 and see whats going on. I have vacation planned so thats why 10 weeks would have worked, but Im staying within Canada so its not like I cant bring gear with me.

    Other than that, the doses look good?

    Also, I have winny tabs (50mg) I "could" add to the cycle, they were not initially going to be used...thoughts?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    ok, I'll extend it out to at least 12 and see whats going on. I have vacation planned so thats why 10 weeks would have worked, but Im staying within Canada so its not like I cant bring gear with me.

    Other than that, the doses look good?

    Also, I have winny tabs (50mg) I "could" add to the cycle, they were not initially going to be used...thoughts?
    Bro... This is exactly how I would run the cycle:

    Sust (weeks 1 - 10) @ 600mg/wk
    Tren-E (weeks 1 - 10) @ 450mg/wk
    NPP (weeks 1 - 8) @ 450mg/wk
    Winstrol (weeks 5 - 10) @ 50mg/ed

    Remember, Test/19-nor/DHT-derivative = ultimate cycle.

    Winstrol + tren = great synergy AND winstrol + NPP = great synergy (NPP will alleviate the dryness in the joints that winny can cause).

    Tren-E should optimally be run for 12 weeks. That said, 3 months of straight tren sucks. You can definitely get away with 10 weeks with solid gains.

    BTW, kP you better not be getting blood-work done "every 10 days" I hope you mean every 10 weeks; or else you're the sole reason why the Health Care system is in such horrific debt!


  13. #13
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    VM... kiss my butt

    I havent been sick and needed medication in the last decade. I dont use Alberta health care ever!!! =)

    And since you dont answer emails, your opinion doesnt matter... but much appreciated, thank you

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