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Thread: Pain Relievers

  1. #1

    Pain Relievers

    Just wanted to get your thoughts on pain relievers. I'm 45 and have been training hard and heavy for 11 years. I've had mild pain in my joints - nothing major, usually goes away a few days after lifting. My question is what pain management regimens are used for simple joint pain? I've tried tylenol, aleve and ibuprofen in small doses. Do these interfere at all with muscle growth if used too much? How much is too much?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    are you a competitive bodybuilder?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by sleggio View Post
    Just wanted to get your thoughts on pain relievers. I'm 45 and have been training hard and heavy for 11 years. I've had mild pain in my joints - nothing major, usually goes away a few days after lifting. My question is what pain management regimens are used for simple joint pain? I've tried tylenol, aleve and ibuprofen in small doses. Do these interfere at all with muscle growth if used too much? How much is too much?
    They can affect your pump while in the gym and are harsh on the liver. Have you tried any joint supplements?

  4. #4
    I do not compete, just love lifting. I'm 5'9" 225 with 8.9%bf. Don't use any joint supplements.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    long island new york
    Try some joint supps, and some restoration work, foam rolling, massage, "healing foods" etc.... joint pain isn't always bone related, tight muscles or knots can pull things out of alignment and cause problems, it's at least worth a shot.
    The trip down pain medication road can go bad fast and I have seen it happen to too many people.
    Please be careful I know many BBers and powerlifters who sought joint pain relief turn from the easy OTC stuff to prescription meds to ending up with nubain addictions.


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