Hey guys new to this forum, not new to aas. Just wanted to tell you guys that this is by far the best steroid forum on the net. I just recently quit one, cause those morons couldnt tell d-bol from aspirin. (im not mentioning any names) anywho, i sat back and read a bunch of your posts, and I gotta say, you guys give SOLID advice. You guys know your shit... Just a little about me... I am 30yo with well over a dozen cylces under my belt, 6'1 230 with 17% bf (i know its high) have been out of the game for about 2 years now (no aas) and will getting back into the game in roughly 3 months. I just recently had tendon release surgery on my right elbow so I cannot lift for a while otherwise its torn up city. Ok my rant is done now... now onto business.
I am currently doing cardio cardio cardio!! I am not going to be touching my sauce until my bf is way down. I am currently doing a cycle of t3 and oxyelite pro<--- ****in amazing fat burner!!! been on 1 week now, and have already lost 4 lbs of fat. Diet is well in check, absolutely no cheating. When I get down to a respectable bf percentage i will start my cycle of sus4fity and turanaplex. So my question goes... How do you guys recommend i do this cycle? Should i start out at 1ml(450mg) per week with 30mg or turanaplex? or more. What do you guys think? I am no stranger to sust, but have never taken turanaplex. What should i expect from this cycle? Thank you in advance. sorry for the looooong ass post, I just wanted you guys to get to know me a bit, as I will be posting a hella lot on here. Looking forward to meeting you all.