I am wondering if anyone has any hand on experience with running masteron prop and deca at the same time.
In my brain when I think about it, it seems to be conflicting in terms of what they are intended for. but truthfully I have only ran deca once or twice and was far from impressed. but when I ran the deca it was in my earlier days of cycling when my cycles were far shorter(around 10-12 weeks) and I may have not ran it for long enough to be impressed. but I have access and the price is right.
I really like masteron, my body seems to respond well to it. but what I really like is that masteron seems to control my minor estro issues and I dont need an AI. as soon as I take an AI I seem to really slow down in terms of growth.
I have been chewing on the following cycle
1000 mg test- prop(400) and cyp(600) or all cyp/enth
800 mg deca
500 mg master prop(cant get enth right now)
100 mg a50 for first couple of weeks.
maybe mild dose of slin
prob run this for 14 or 16 weeks. then switch to TNE or prop /TREN/PROVIRON/thermo(clen/t3 or ECA/T4) for 6 or 8 weeks to dry out and lean out.
my last 3 or 4 cycles have been some combo of prop, tne,tren, masteron, winny, halo and proviron. I usually run around 2 or 2.5 grams of combined androgens so this is not out of line for my normal aas consumption. I want to go back and retry substances I have written of as less effective aas for me.
many cycles under belt. tried almost every common aas once.
desire is to add pure mass. 258(10-12%bf) @ 6,2 is not big enough. I figure at the same bf(maybe a little higher) I would like to crack the 275 mark.